Idioscoratic Method

This. I live in New Zealand where we also got the Falcon. Lets just say that they were not cars that were treated well after the first few years.

I’ve seen the lives that any Falcon older than 10 years has led. I wouldn’t touch one...

My variation on this would be to get a racing driver and a celebrity driver. This would then mean that you’d get two metrics, how fast the car is with an experienced driver on a track they know, but also one with a regular driver to give an example of what the difference between a professional and the normal.

Ah, the MasterAce Surf. My dad had one when I was a child, It was base model in the most base model possible. A column shift manual, vinyl seats and carpets, and if you didn’t have anything in the back, it was really easy to spin the tires when going uphill, and if it was full, it was really hard to find the power to

My F-150 is best F-150 because Nissan...

There is a great documentary made about the building of the last three Zil’s for the government. Amazing Soviet throwback, with a typically Russian ending...