
Stop being such a swastickler

This is about the only time you'll ever see, 9 out of 10 next to JR Smith's name.

"Haha, who needs to see another pic of boobs when there are millions of other ones on the internet?"

Haslam: "Sherry, hold all my calls. IT'S A BANNER DAY!"

That seems out of character.

You can be black (and other things) on the inside.

there is a cool documentary called "Beer Wars" and you walk away from it realizing, if you have some kind of unique microbrew idea that people like, you basically have two choices: either become a modest local success or sell to the big boys because the big boys have more money than you can ever comprehend.

C'mon man, you had staph RIGHT there!

That's funny. Tell it for a third time.

Joel: Sounds great Warren, I'll bring my gigantic football helmet on a trailer over.

Why do I have to take sides? Can't the NCAA be greedy AND Johnny Manziel be a total jackass?

One of them is better than the other.

Andy Katz should request an interview about things other than his antics. THEN ask him repeatedly about his antics.

"No pictures should have been taken" was one of the little bastards response? How about No rape should have occurred? Jesus, I hope these kids rot in jail.