It’s usually safe to assume they’re racists
It’s usually safe to assume they’re racists
Great. So women were also raping an pillaging too??
Full disclosure: Beauty contestants are considered brainwashed by feminists.
Yeah. He’d have a field day with this SJW shit
They don’t care. They let’s rapes happen on campus
Yeah. Academia need to do more to examine its culture alright, just not the way you mean.
Vanessa Grigoriadis was just given a platform here the other day, an oppurunity she used to ignore her role in elevating a fabulist to hero, and to praise Erdely, so I have little sympathy for feminists who complain that people deflect attention with well publicized cases of women lying about rape, because those very…
Reread the original comment, dunce.
Lol. A shitty film about 9/11 isn’t nearly the slap in the face that is the contemporary silencing of any criticism of Islamic terrorism with the label ‘Islamaphobia’. Ask around. I think you’d be surprised how many people believe 9/11 was justified.
Yeah, well, the way I see millenials broadly applying charges of islamaphbia to any criticism of terrorism leads me to suspect 9/11 is being forgotten.
Santa is just another way to spell Satan.
It’s important to remember that Muslims were not responsible for this most terrible tragedy. The men who perpetrated this act were not true Muslims.
It’s important for us to remember that Muslims are not responsible for what happened. These were men who did not practice true Islam
So the problem and solution is the government?!??
It’s a shame these women were forced to reproduce.
Yes, I made a grammatical error. I was wrong.
Your evasion of subject is what’s weird.
If her life is in danger, she sounds like a suicidal imbecile.
Like your comment, for example? Not the very topical, is it?