
You know that people who don't play games can... start playing games, right? It's not like there is one moment in a person's life where they have to make a split-second, final decision about whether they will ever play video games.

I was thinking the same thing, and now unfortunately we missed out on getting the first DLC free!

AHA! That makes a ton more sense. Thanks for denoobifying me.

Ok, so I haven't played CounterStrike since the Source days, but can someone explain to me why you can see your enemies through walls?

Sooooo... the set of glass bowls at the $16 price point apparently ship within 58-105 business days. Any idea what's up with that?

Sooooo... the set of glass bowls at the $16 price point apparently ship within 58-105 business days. Any idea what's

The humans in this video are insufferable, but at least the concept is amusing.

Clearly she was practicing the piano instead of playing video games like us.

Here is everyone's healthy reminder that your views about complex subjects were not fully formed at age 17.

Your initial comment came off unclearly to me. Having reread it in the context of your subsequent comments, I see that you were contextualizing your characterization of Quinn within the framework that GG set up and not actually advocating that viewpoint. I apologize for the misreading.

That still didn't happen. Nathan Grayson did not ever review Depression Quest.

Having read the Medium piece now, I disagree. It imposes a framework on Tropes vs. Women that TvW wasn't developed in nor claims to be, i.e., academic. The critique also suffers from several arguments that are beside the point, such as the distinction between tropes, themes, motifs and clichés. There's a response to

I've been reading a lot of comments and articles about Sarkeesian, and I still have yet to see someone articulate what actually makes her critique intellectually shallow or shoddily constructed.

Personally, I'm interested in her misunderstanding of the damsel in distress trope. She makes a mistake in assuming that representing women as damsels in distress reinforces an idea that women are weak, because the trope's a variant of the grail quest story archetype, and ultimately is about the protagonist. A damsel

I am a man. I don't think what Sarkeesian and EmpressInYellow are doing is shaming men. Arguing to raise up the status of women in media does not come at the expense of men.

Anyone who claims to be unbiased is lying.

Employees aren't interchangeable.

I gave up on the Amazon app store a few years back because I had some weird compatibility issues with both Amazon and Google Play trying to download updates for apps that came from the other store, or downloading old versions if the newer version of an app was only available on one store.

I gave up on the Amazon app store a few years back because I had some weird compatibility issues with both Amazon


That guy's just an asshole. But that doesn't make knowing how to recognize fallacies any less useful.

Do you know of any media company that isn't biased? Any reporters who aren't biased? Anyone at all who isn't biased?