I see the words "World's Biggest Jesus" but I just read it "Tower of Babel."
I see the words "World's Biggest Jesus" but I just read it "Tower of Babel."
Dear Google:
@abes2: Woooosh!
Baseball in particular is known for players with superstitions. Google Wade Boggs for just one notable example.
I imagine that disc doesn't fly very well.
I was at the Brooklyn Bridge Wave of Light. It was a lot of fun, and everyone there was really friendly (it's so easy to talk to complete strangers at these kinds of things). I was just disappointed that the result was not as cool as the concept.
Steve. You can afford a tailor. Seriously.
@Eriamjh: Ding ding ding, we have a a winner.
@AnthonyG123: You mean you don't want to see Rick and Louis walk off into the rain in 3D?
@ConfederateRokr: I turned 13 around when Episode 1 came out. I took all my friends to see it for my birthday party. We couldn't believe how bad it was. For the last 6 years, I had been watching library-borrowed VHS copies of the original trilogy. It was such a shock. I did see the rest of the prequels, hoping they…
@badhatharry: Are... are you George Lucas?
@kuba.la: Oh I misunderstood what you were saying. When the text turns from gray to black, that means the message was sent from your phone to the carrier.
@DirtyDogg: Oh good call. The patch is for Gesture+Tap to save the picture.
@kuba.la: Rotate pics: agreed.
@Fractal the Meek: I'm also disappointed that it's taken so long for new hardware, but on the other hand, every time WebOS Internals released a faster overclock, it felt like I had a new phone all over again!
@Limbero: It's a tauntaun tautology.
@Facebook: I'm familiar with the free rider problem, but I have no clue what you mean by "second order."
@Lizard_King: Correction: anyone who actually learned something from their public school education accepts that socialized services are necessary for the greater advancement of society.
@HaloZero: It may not be a constitutional right, but would this country really be a better place if everyone were subject to this kind of fire protection policy?
@gelatinous_d: Isn't that essentially laser surgery? Just instead of doing to your cornea, they do it to your eye's lens, shaping it for perfect vision, without any light interference patterns.