

Well, why don’t we start with the gun legislation, thereby making it much, much harder for these people with very complex issues to kill large numbers of people within minutes, and then we can work on solving their other problems?

A whole bunch of much more violently misogynistic societies don’t have this mass murder problem. The problem is the extraordinary availability of guns in the US.

guns and men are the problem, we need to get rid of them

The problem is guns. Not mental illness, not misogyny, not male entitlement. Those are other problems, with other solutions. The problem causing mass shootings is guns.


1) The Diamondbacks ENCOURAGE you to take selfies and Tweet them to be on their jumbotron. Their announcers should not have berated the organization’s GUESTS.
2)If you are going to selfie, selfie well. These women were masters.
3) Baseball is 20-25 minutes of action in a three hour period. WE ALL drift off into

Jesus Christ, yes. Fucking nobody gets educated about what hymens actually are.

On the other hand, we could also have hundreds of Netherland Dwarves...

I only look at them for the pictures. Reverse Playboy justification.

LIVE! Killed LIVE and on the air! We now have people being MURDERED on live TV. We have CHILDREN being murdered in their classrooms. Nothing gets done. We, as a country, through our inaction have said this is A-OKAY. Just another day in the beautiful United States! Let freedom ring and god bless America and her guns!

I prefer double-secret menus.

“Agonizing” and “heartbreaking” are not terms I would use to describe my decision to end my pregnancy, “logical,” “reasonable,” “responsible”, etc., etc.

It’s such a bullshit thing, the way we present abortion as a society. Laws are made to restrict access because the perpetrator of the crime (let’s face it, people who want restrictions think it’s a crime) “might feel guilty” about having an abortion. No one has suggested that waiting periods for gun sales, say, are

Not every woman who has an abortion finds their decision to be “agonizing and heartbreaking.” Plenty see it a standard, safe medical procedure and go right on with their lives. I didn't care for the pearl-clutching tone of this article.

Oh man, the comments are going to be terrible on this.

I wasn’t aware the Ghostbusters were created as an example of male empowerment in a female dominated field and their genders were an important facet of their character?

She inspired my life-long dream of drinking a Harvey Wallbanger before I die. Opal brought the realness to AMC.