
This movie is my favorite movie.

I don’t blame her for not publicly denouncing him. If I had an immediate family member who did something like this, I probably wouldn’t talk to the press or make any public statements at all except to express sympathy for the victims.

I can and I did.

Jesus. Hector. Christ. I hope someone proposes during her stupid fucking wedding. I hope everyone who’s not the bride wears white just to spite her. I hope her maid of honor gives a really mean, passive-aggressive speech. I hope her aunt gets too drunk and hits on the groom, and he goes for it.

You do know that thiomersal was an extremely effective and safe preservative and the uncritical and unscientific hysteria over it actually caused the deaths of infants and children which makes people who spread the unsubstantiated fear mongering bullshit about it the actual public health hazard. People like you, in

Nothing like showing your tits and sass.

Raise your glass everybody and don’t forget to give President Obama a glass as well!

Well, yeah, Lindsey Graham, but who else?

I absolutely realize that it sucks to have lesbians be suspicious of you but like, asking “just about sex, or do you actually have relationships”, like you understand that to a lesbian that’s a legit question. It’s not asking if you’re gay enough or trying to judge you as a bi woman, she’s legitimately asking if

I’m with you, totally. I’m actually like... the resident checker in my community. Haha.

Hey, maybe if your queerness is more about bashing lesbians than defending them when people are dehumanizing them, you should rethink some things.

I care. You should too, frankly. If you don’t that’s really short sighted of you because it’s othering as hell. Othering and fetishization are hallmarks of marginalization? When queerness is seen as an edgy outfit you put on, what does that say about how that person views queerness? What does edgy mean? Usually

Come off it. You know no one here is talking about women with legitimate ‘questioning their sexuality’ feelings. Madeleine and myself are talking about straight women. Are you seriously trying to say that women grappling with their sexuality routinely act like Katy Perry ‘I kissed a Girl?’ to score cool points? Like,

Cynthia Hurd was a librarian for 31 years and a dedicated public servant. Say her name. Remember her.

absolutely not, i fucking love chipotle

This is the holier than thou attitude of soooo many tattoo artists/enthusiasts and it is so fucking annoying. Some people don’t cover their bodies in generic designs that every fucking body has, okay?