
Your pants might not crush your balls BUT I WILL!!!


These pants discriminate against those of us trying to advertise our wares on Grindr! You can't even see a slight bulge, fer God's sake! Who do I sue?

As a guy...these things are ugly as sin.

Except your 'recalled food' analogy is completely wrong because YOUR RECALLED FOOD DID NOT CHOOSE TO PHYSICALLY ASSAULT YOU. That's like saying "you should have known you were going to get robbed because you went outside" which no one does because FOR SOME REASON PEOPLE LOVE TO BLAME THE VICTIMS OF SEXUAL ASSAULT AND

Getting into the car of someone you know can also be dangerous. Public transit with other people around can be dangerous. Bottom line is that the person committing the crime should be held accountable regardless of whether the victim knows them or not. But you clearly you would rather victim blame.

Sorry, I think I'm officially next on the post-Brad list. We're gonna read comic books together and upset all the queer-haters.

It's the weird people who tend to make history.

I really like the iffy stuff she did when she was young and I think that's how she grew up to be so amazing. not to derail, but I kind of think Angelina Jolie's exploration of herself when she was young, and her ability to allow herself to make mistakes, really let her figure out who she was and embrace that sense of

I know she did some iffy stuff when she was young, but damn if she didn't grow up to be an amazing and inspiring woman.

Tightrope by Janelle Monae is a great dance break kind of song. Maybe get your blood flowing a little bit?

Here is literally the cutest gif I know of to help you in your troubles:

Our girl is home. Happy and healthy. <3

New York City people! I just got into grad school (with a huge scholarship) in NYC and I am moving there is August, from Indiana! I have visited twice, but that is not at all the same as living there. Tell me what I need to know! :D

"I beg your pardon!" -Satan

You, too!

The video features many choice quotes in this little chitchat, such as this gem from Jim Bob: "Both of you'll like the physical relationship, but the guy, that'll be kinda the main focus..."

Madeleine, you beautiful monster you! Never change! And also

Is this what you want? :)