
yup. I think ppl see a black man actually well within his right to question and officer and immediately it is he's being belligerent. He is resisting arrest. Dude I'm not even American and I know the laws of this country better than some folks here. They cannot arrest you without probably cause and they cannot search

I seem to recall both of the Bush twins getting caught for doing the exact same thing while their dad was president. And yet, I don't remember them being beaten bloody for it...

A few years ago, the same dumbasses pulled a gun on without identifying themselves on a (white) girl in a shopping center, jumped on her car when she tried to flee, and then arrested her because they thought she was buying beer underaged. She had just purchased flavored water that came in cans. I don't doubt that race

The Notorious RBG will always be my Supreme.

Yep. And those same white assholes have or had fake ID's themselves. Oddly enough, they didn't get beaten.


It's sad to be constantly reminded that there is no Model black man. I pride myself in graduating from Yale, having no prior convictions, and being a well mannered guy, but I know deep down that none of those things will protect me if I'm ever suspected of a crime by a white cop. From what I've read, none of the

I've seen white kids get caught with fake ids, causing considerably more trouble than Martese apparently was, and all that the cops did to them was confiscate the fakes and send them on their way. Not even a shove.

It's absurd that we have to qualify a brutal (edit, not killed) attack like this with "he didn't resist".

I certainly hope there are also Concerned White Students at UVA who stand with Martese.

"I'm incredibly close to the common woman in that I'm a woman and I'm a mother and we all are in a physical body with beating hearts"

"My blood pumps through my veins just like common women, one pump at a time, and certainly not through a synthesized heart facsimile given to me by our glorious hivemother—am I right ladies?"

Well it turns out the guys (and girl) I fell in love with were definitely not right for me in any way, but I didn't realize that until afterward.

The sound of pampered white ladies complaining at the returns checkout at the BB&B on 60th is awkwardly something that just fills me with joy. their completely delusional requests, refusal to understand basic logic, and inherit belief their concerns are better dealt with by someone higher up is hilarious.

Thank you for making me aware of this glorious gif!

Being veg, I should be a buzzkill (or so I'm told) but there is nothing wrong with this! The animals are going to die anyway, might as well eat them...if you like that sort of thing. I don't but knock yourself out.


Sorry you had a rough week, but your gif is awesome.

When it comes to racism and sexism I think Texas is actually probably a pretty good equivalent for France...