
LOL that snake doesn't even have hands!!!

I'm going to be honest- nothing helped me but time. Hang in there, kid.

I don't love JNCO Jeans, but I do love wide leg pants. Not extreme wide leg, but wide leg.

This Saturday night, I raise my glass to Draven Rodriguez. You brought so much joy to countless others with your unforgettable senior portrait. I'm sorry that so many people were not able to give you the happiness that you were able to give to the world. I'm sorry that so many others failed you and were not able to

And FINALLY Jezebel mentions this story.

Your information is wrong. In Islam, women are allowed to touch dead bodies, for example while in performing janaza ghusl, the ritual washing of the body before burial (IIRC women wash women's bodies, and men wash men's bodies). There is no "dirtying" of the deceased by being touched by a woman. Where did you get your

The monk is still alive, he is just in deep meditation.

in anti-racist circles, he is already a hero.

And what? Martin Luther King wasn't the "good" black man who was anti-violence, compared to Malcolm X as a "bad" black man who spoke of change by any means necessary. That's a horribly reductive way to think of either man.

i'm going to try to articulate this as well as i can, so forgive me if it's a mess.

I have neither the time nor the inclination to provide history lessons. If that's all you think of the man, you're either racist or not knowledgeable enough to comment.

Malcolm X is already a hero. You apparently missed the judgement of history. The too short arc of his life is known. How do you measure up against this standard?

Fifty years after the death of Malcom X, institutional racism still exists, the silence on #blacklivesmatter is still deafening and another example of the black and white world we still live in.

I am of the simple mindset that both vaginas and dicks are scrumptious.

Its about time we stop this crazy menace!


Not worried ....

That is amazing! Who is that guy? I'm old and my phone screen is tiny...

I feel this is also appropriate