
You know who has really great skin? Beck.

yes sometimes eating out can take all day....... if she agrees

But no one gets rich off rape accusations!!!!!!!!!!!

This just in: Christian Person A Total Fuckhead Filled With Hate.

You forgot to mention her stint on Batman. When I was a wee gay I loved the episodes with Catwoman and Pussycat!

PLEASE tell me you mean this Wishbone:

Now playing

HAPPY VALENTIMEZ DAY! *belchvomitinmouth*

I too did laundry! Except I have to now go collect from the dryer and doing so means having to go outside to get to the basement where the washer dryer are and it's flipping cold and windy outside to the point of it almost being a record freeze. I am giving myself five more minutes for my nails to dry.

The Internet needs more GIFs of Ina being her nerdy-ass self.

Thanks for clarifying. I knew what you meant and just wanted to explain that even though we all know that models are heavily photoshopped it's refreshing to see a 40 something looking natural.

Saving that .gif! I love Ina!

I spent my Valentine's Day meeting a friend for coffee and getting a surprise invite to a burlesque class! It's something I've always wanted to do, and a friend from her MFA program is specializing in it for her thesis. I had a really great time dancing and getting to know the others in the class. They may have

Oh, dude, I knew it was Valentine's Day. I work in a school.

I shampooed the carpet AND did the laundry. In honor of the day, I used the sexy fabric softener. It was a great day.

Internet high fives! I'm spending it alone, too. Well, me and John McLane (I'm having a Die Hard marathon, like I do every year). Hope you got some delicious food and/or chocolate to celebrate!

It sounds like your old BF was a real piece of work. Because aging and bodily changes are perfectly normal, be accepting of who you are and what you look like. Love yourself regardless of what others think.

Yeah, fuck that fucker for making you feel that way. Guarantee he was nursing major insecurity. Bodies change every moment, that is why we are alive. Believe me, I know what it's like, I have scads of strechmarks and the like from having three kids. But the beauty industry thrives on us hating ourselves for human

It only gets "better" from here. Seriously. You'll have a body and you'll be alive. Mr. Truther just lost both of his legs after an infection. The flesh eating virus turned every part of him that stuck out purple and black and they were going to amputate his ears, nose, hands, legs and..guess what else "sticks

Your old bf sounds like a huge ass and I hope you laughed at his droopy peen & saggy balls