
While considering the interest of others over yourself especially when you care and love them may seem like the only alternative in situations like this, you have to consider whether the perceived happiness and health of someone else supersedes your own health and happiness. I won't tell you to leave because that's

Is your primary reason for wanting out of the relationship the likely cheating, or just the problematic nature of the relationship overall?

1. I would get a therapist (that's a lot of baggage to have been carrying)

Someone's background of abuse and mental illness, while convenient excuses for current abusive behavior, are bullshit reasons for being an asshole to your partner. If you really want out, get your ducks in a row for living arrangements, transportation, belongings, personal support, divorce attorney, etc. Commit and

Sounds like she's gaslighting you. Classic abuser technique. You have every right to clear outta there if she's holding you mentally hostage like that. Understandable that a formerly abused person might become an abuser, but that doesn't mean you have to take it.

i swear to fucking cthulu if this means i can't get cadbury caramello & flake bars at the store anymore, i may have to defect & move to the UK, bc hershey's hasn't been worth eating for YEARS.

So true. I choose to be vegan but try my best not to make it into a big deal that needs to be brought up every time I have a meal (but good luck not sticking out like a freak in our meat-saturated culture). I don't tell other people what they should do, and only explain my ethical choices if I'm asked directly about

No, it's "womynists." ;)

I just can't believe both the flippant (and somewhat [though I'm sure unintentional] non-sequitur-ial tone of this article [pretty sure South Africa has a set of social traumas outside the Bushes and Jenny McCarthy) and the already long stack of comments condoning physical violence and vigilante justice in this

Dear Rand Paul,

wwwwwwhhhaaaattttt. is this a brand or the way the new cool kids on this internet block are calling it?

"Women should feel pleasure and have sex and feel good about it – and there's a lot of shame involved with porn," said Jones. Yes, this is true.

for any of you beautiful souls who might need it.

fuck yea kate mckinnon

also she is super super gorgeous and i wish i had her skin

A note to ppl who are gonna pop down here to ask that I re-state this argument to more specifically accommodate or rebut your personal stance: I really don't care if you disagree with me and I think it's healthy that you do. The thing that makes Chait different is that his opinions have much more power than the

I can't believe I read that whole Jonathan Chait piece! (There were a select few things I agreed with, but not very many, and it was so fucking needlessly long and repetitive.) Your article was a great response.

Complaints about political correctness always, always boil down to 'Boo, I'm now expected to think about things before I say them! I have to consider the feelings and experiences of people who aren't me! I can't just stomp around saying and doing whatever I like any more, except actually I can, because there is literal

By denying me my white male privilege, you are really handicapping me. If I can't rig the game so I always win, it's like everyone else is cheating. And I don't think that it's fair.