
When my nana got older and started doing weird shit we found her a nice older gal to live with her and take her to the hair dresser and the market on Sundays. Her daughter might want to look into that.

Apparently, Mitt Romney is so experienced with 7-11 food he can tell 7-11 cookies apart from the local bakery chain's cookies.

It's actually really wonderful, especially the first time. They de-mystify so much of the shit you worry about when it comes to your body. There is nothing scary or weird about it; promise.

Little buddy was all like, dats my jaaaam, DATS MAH JAM!

"There are three different views on the subject of violence. One is the approach of pure nonviolence, which cannot readily or easily attract large masses, for it requires extraordinary discipline and courage. The second is violence exercised in self-defense, which all societies, from the most primitive to the most

More proof that the only living beings conservative pro-lifers care about are fetuses.

If you know enough about Reddit to poke fun at someone for it, that means you're on it too.

This is how I imagined whoever typed this shit.

I know. I'm not ashamed to say I got banned from commenting on her Facebook page.

There is a major rash of cringe-inducing (if you know anything about animal behavior) "cute" pictures being spread around the interwebs featuring dogs and children (often babies). In the photos the dogs are often displaying signs of fear, stress or aggravation. Even when they're not it's not wise to encourage pushing

The difference between your mother and Sarah Palin is that your mother gave a shit about your dog.

Yeah? Some dude is raping your GF/wife/sister/whathaveyou, and you think there's a question of whether or not an ass beating of said dude is "necessary?" Fuck you.

Unless it was necessary

Honestly, this racism goes beyond anything I would have expected back in 2008... Apparently it's only newsworthy when a black person:

I rilly hope the mother is going to be the one to teach their daughter how to remove a tampon.

Good news is that the UPD and Tallahassee PD are investigating, so the criminals will be brought swiftly to justice.

Sangria Piñata

They did not love their child. They loved an idea of a child that did not exist.

"Love" is a verb. You can have abstract feelings of warmth or fondness toward your children, but if you're not behaving in a loving way, you're not really loving them.