
Go for it..it’s not like you want to go steady. Plus...a ball gag can silence the Trump gibberish

Isn’t that what kids eat? Well, that and souls....

What is it with Brit boy singers and janky ass tattoos?? Just so fucking ugly.

I see his face...it reminds me of this. And, no I wouldn’t fuck that either.

Someone really needs to discuss his hair choices with him.

One of my all time favorites.

I would have thought it was gin..

The GOP is the party of women, they understand us. They have

I have 5 tattoos...getting #6 today. 3 are visible...two rather large on my forearms. I would

I feel you Kate. Sometimes you cannot even...

Well, looks like he’s paid his debt to society...

Probably...I just got it off the web. I’m not a journalist..I just post ridiculous shit. :)


The US Army is just terrified at the thought of fat rednecks with guns. As are our fully militarized police forces. hey, what ever gets you through the night...

We know how Jesus felt.

Everybody knows you have to keep little girls/young women prim and proper. They cannot be sassy at all! It’s the only way to keep them safe from sexual predators!