
The professor was probably instructed to contact the athletic department first, because the Baylor institution is a complete fuckhole.

If you close your eyes and listen to the commentary, it’s just like watching the Rio Olympics.

This is a huge free agent signing, I can’t wait to read Zach Lowe’s analysis.

Probably about 60% of NBA conversations between me and my friend.

Forgot one record: Largest golf payout for Sweden since Elin’s divorce settlement.

Worst Bears of 2016; Baylor.

This is such a cop-out. He is clearly just doing this to avoid getting punched in the balls by Draymond in next year’s playoffs.

Isner is the embodiment of a Magary funbag question. What if I had no tennis skills at all by had a massive unreturnable serve? Hopefully Querrey or one of the younger guys can step up and overtake him so I don’t have to watch Isner hit returns like a 3.0 club player again next year.

should have just won 6-0 6-0 6-0 imo. probably more tired now than he would have been the other way but im not a tennis gyuy

So with 9 years of hindsight, the obvious conclusion to draw is...Simmons was 100% correct here?

Agreed. We’re the real heroes.

Fade in to Patrick Duffy lying in bed.

Rickon was dead no matter what. Knights of the Vale or no. If they show up and Ramsey is aware of it, he holes up in Winterfell and does his little toy with Rickon death performance from the wall.

What the fuck is wrong with that guy?

Now we know why no rangers have ever reported seeing Bigfoot.

I guess Rapist Sasquatch is an early favorite for Worst Mascot in the next Deadspin Awards.

The San Jose crowd should be proud of themselves tonight, probably the quietest moment of silence I’ve ever heard, and A+ level booing of Gary Bettman.