bless your heart.
bless your heart.
The thing that’s really encouraging is that Green not being a reliable shooter leaves the Warriors uniquely vulnerable in a year where the Raptors have a real chance to come out of the East.
Want an even better one...after this play:
And then they missed the extra point, which just about sums up the Cardinals throughout Larry's whole career.
Sure it was on a tee, but you drove the shit out of that.
After what he went through this season, I’m guessing he’s extremely disinterested in further heel turns.
Great, now I’m going to be paying a car payment for my goddamn maple syrup
Gotta say, escaping Cleveland only to be traded back seems like the kind of thing that would happen on a flat Earth.
Can I just point out that the Warriors are 3-1 in the last four trips to the Finals? I think LeBron needs to stay in Cleveland because it seems like history shows that the Cavs are about to win three in a row now.
The eternal question... Who is a better player: MJ or Lebron?
All the more reason to hope for the gimpy Rockets and Coach Pringles to somehow pull off a miracle.
it’s several words put together asking for a response
I’m a Celtics fan who has also come to like LeBron, and if the C’s get eliminated by James playing all-time great basketball, I can live with that.
Deadspin sure likes to talk a big game and get on its high horse but deep down you know they’re just jealous of the way Barstool has disrupted the online game by...*checks notes* having pictures of girls in bikinis.
I’m torn. On the one hand, Syracuse plays the least entertaining version of basketball ever conceived by the mind of man. On the other hand, opposing Duke is the duty of all good and right-thinking people.
Thanks for the periodic reminder that “murder” of crows is the greatest collective noun in the English language.
His usual breakfast. Two eggs up, toast, juice, dead corvid.
Seth Davis is waking up with a murder of crows to eat after that. Lol
I feel like you need to wait more than 1.9 seasons after a team wins a championship before you can talk about them choking.