“people with your attitude have basically stolen two years of my life at this point.”
“people with your attitude have basically stolen two years of my life at this point.”
I doubt it was safe from Omicron, but nowhere is anyway. Every school day is a basically a super spreader event right now. It looks like we’ll all have some basic immunity from either the vaccine or the virus itself by the end of winter, who knows at what cost if the hospitals can’t hold up, but after that hopefully…
You see one of those groups has power to enact policy that could have prevented millions of deaths and tens of millions of cases and refuses to do so because it doesn’t want to spend money helping people.
I am just going to assume you don’t read the news and am going to inform you that the reason we are not locking down, and have not locked down, in the midst of this surge is because those in power are concerned about the economy. How does that not apply to this situation?
You do realize that individuals do not determine when a country locks down, right? Like, it needs to be done on a national level and blaming individual acts 2 years in is just blaming individuals because it’s easier than holding people in actual power culpable for completely dropping the ball on this.
We didn't have conventions for 2 years. We just also didn't actually deal with that pandemic in those 2 years.
I mean, first most cons didn’t run in 2020-1. Also they don’t run year round. Also you don’t run out of money and starve to death if you don’t attend them.
I’m double shot and for masks, but hate to break it to you, Omicron has completely changed the game, maybe for the better, that is yet to be seen (soon hopefully, with cases spiking and coming down quickly, and death rates continuing to drop) - And we aren’t here because of “people like him”, we are here for a…
Yeah, they weren’t really saying they were surrendering and “letting” people die. They’re more like acknowledging the fact that the event was vaccine and mask mandated (which you even say all things should be) and the point of said mandates is in order for things to function in a “normal” way. Whatever normal may be,…
Like, yeah. I could catch COVID from 4 hours on the convention floor where vaccines and masks are mandatory.
COVID is definitely propped up by a convention that didn’t happen last year and not the exploitive apparatus of capatalism stopping us from taking the broad measures necessary to deal with it.
I’m reasonably sure that I didn’t catch COVID at Magfest but if I do now I get to run around as Tobias Funke shouting a menacing “There are dozens of us! DOZENS!”
No surprise here.
Why should someone who is fully vaccinated and wearing a mask not go to mag this year? Please inform me. Because that is the whole reason for the vaccination. That is the reason for the mask mandates. So we can go back to normal. And I hate to break it to you, but omicron is the closest we’re ever going to get to…
It’s sort of blowing my mind at this point that South Park can still break out all-timers like this. Every now and then I think the show’s finally succumbed to age, but I loved every moment of this outside of maybe the Alexa jokes getting a bit old. If they keep this up through the whole Paramount contract, I’ll be…
the whole shtick is that in the presence of Kyle Cartman becomes toxic. By moving away Cartman become decent; and became shitty again when reunited with Kyle. In the “corrected” reality they never really get away from each other so the reality much grimer for Cartman.
I wouldn’t mind having a tall girlfriend.
This is a reasonably concise definition:
It’s a genuinely awful ideology, and a terrible belief system for a political leader. And it describes this pretty perfectly.
“My “favorites” though are the men 45-50 and over who say they want kids.”
As a 42 year-old man who has not yet had children due to various health issues with my partner and instability in my own life, this one hurt. There are people who *still* want to have children later in life, but were unable to do so when they…