
I mean, to begin with I would question the assumption that something like Captain Marvel - or more to the point, something like Zero Dark Thirty as well - was not created as a cinematic manifesto. The Marvel films and many other films have explicitly right-wing politics to them. They’re right-wing viewpoints that are

The number of people who die from lack of basic reproductive care is more annually than the entire US military Civilian casualties EVER.

Lol, that is almost certainly not true at all. Have you looked up the death toll for the Iraq war alone? I also don’t really care about the civilian vs. combatant distinction

Brie Larson talks to military members not to understand but because it was part of a marketing and recruitment campaign for the Air Force and the Pentagon. And this is not a matter of my simply “disagreeing” with what those institutions do. What those institutions do is murder and war crimes. That is their purpose,

Imagine thinking a left-wing criticism of military propaganda in popular films is somehow an “alt right” stance.

I know that there’s lots of critiques of this stuff dude. I’ve read a lot of it, it’s something I read about and think about a lot, hence it being on my mind here. The fact is, most of these things are academic criticisms and leftist anti-war sites and stuff that are even willing to talk about it. To the extent it

A lot of Michael Bay’s films are propaganda too, yes. Two tossed-off examples do not imply that there are no other films that fall into this, it’s like most action blockbusters that do at this point.

Yeah that’s part of what makes this so funny and weird to me. This a film that virtually no one is going to see (or at least weren’t before the handwringing articles about it), yet Jamie Kennedy is being grilled about it like he’s the villain CEO in Roger and Me. These superhero and action blockbuster films top the

Seriously. My comment wasn’t even about Marvel really, Captain Marvel is just a representative example for reasons that should be obvious to anyone with even the slightest awareness of how it was produced and marketed. Almost no one is going after me for mentioning Zero Dark Thirty but they’re all up in arms because I

Mentioning Captain Marvel wasn’t a “shit-stir,” it was a tossed-off but representative example because a) it’s one of the better recent examples of a popular entertainment film that was explicitly created at least in part as propaganda given the deal made with the Air Force to advertise recruitment in exchange for

And that’s great! But my original comment was directed at this article and website, which are not consistent.

My “hobby horse” is caring about women and people all over the world that are slaughtered in cold blood by my government. Not just those here. Sorry if that offends.

I don’t really believe Disney or Christopher Nolan sat down and said “Let’s make a two-hour long commercial for the armed forces, and if we can stick some C-list celebrities in there, great””

I actually agree with that (and a lot of your comment), but part of my point was that I don’t really think Jamie Kennedy (the

Whatever the effectiveness of it, it was created with explicit involvement and funding by the Air Force, and Brie Larson did advertisements with them that aired in front of every screening. Maybe they did a bad job at making propaganda, I don’t know, but propaganda was clearly someone’s intention.

But sure, Batwoman

I’ve watched a bunch of them, and you’re not watching them closely enough (despite evidently thinking about them way more than is healthy) if you think that movies that receive Pentagon funding aren’t propaganda.

No. However, I think there is absolutely a distinction between something like Halo or Grand Theft Auto which are ultimately fantastical (no matter how realistic the violence), versus games like America’s Army, Call of Duty: Black Ops, or others that have explicit right-wing political messaging or in some cases are

Definitely not what happens. Torture wasn’t the whole thing but it was shown to be a necessary step. Also, torture isn’t the only thing horribly misrepresented in that movie (the whole raid sequence in itself is offensive). The CIA coordinated with the filmmakers and gave them supposed information that they weren’t

You’re right. The comparison is unfair. The military propaganda is a lot worse because it actually convinces people. No one who isn’t a right wing psycho already is going to view this abortion movie, ever. Meanwhile, children are watching the Avengers movies by the millions ever year and learning the goodness and

No, they’re just perpetuating lies about the goodness of the American military apparatus in spreading Justice™ around the world and the necessity of American might, including torturing, maiming, and murdering furriners and brown people. Including Zero Dark Thirty which was explicitly informed by lies that the CIA

Both are propaganda, so yes.

Not my point at all but I hope you get some help.