
My “hobby horse” is caring about women and people all over the world that are slaughtered in cold blood by my government. Not just those here. Sorry if that offends.

I don’t really believe Disney or Christopher Nolan sat down and said “Let’s make a two-hour long commercial for the armed forces, and if we can stick some C-list celebrities in there, great””

I actually agree with that (and a lot of your comment), but part of my point was that I don’t really think Jamie Kennedy (the

Whatever the effectiveness of it, it was created with explicit involvement and funding by the Air Force, and Brie Larson did advertisements with them that aired in front of every screening. Maybe they did a bad job at making propaganda, I don’t know, but propaganda was clearly someone’s intention.

But sure, Batwoman

I’ve watched a bunch of them, and you’re not watching them closely enough (despite evidently thinking about them way more than is healthy) if you think that movies that receive Pentagon funding aren’t propaganda.

No. However, I think there is absolutely a distinction between something like Halo or Grand Theft Auto which are ultimately fantastical (no matter how realistic the violence), versus games like America’s Army, Call of Duty: Black Ops, or others that have explicit right-wing political messaging or in some cases are

Definitely not what happens. Torture wasn’t the whole thing but it was shown to be a necessary step. Also, torture isn’t the only thing horribly misrepresented in that movie (the whole raid sequence in itself is offensive). The CIA coordinated with the filmmakers and gave them supposed information that they weren’t

You’re right. The comparison is unfair. The military propaganda is a lot worse because it actually convinces people. No one who isn’t a right wing psycho already is going to view this abortion movie, ever. Meanwhile, children are watching the Avengers movies by the millions ever year and learning the goodness and

No, they’re just perpetuating lies about the goodness of the American military apparatus in spreading Justice™ around the world and the necessity of American might, including torturing, maiming, and murdering furriners and brown people. Including Zero Dark Thirty which was explicitly informed by lies that the CIA

Both are propaganda, so yes.

Not my point at all but I hope you get some help.

Yeah Captain Marvel was just an example, the whole Marvel universe is pretty awful in that regard. Captain Marvel was just the most blatant example because of the fact that they literally produced ads in conjunction with the Air Force, and there was a whole “woke” fight around Larson that never really broached her

Yeah I’d love to see someone grill any of the actors on that terrible Sorkin Chicago 7 movie lol. No leftist was happy with that piece of shit, it basically co-opted a group of leftists to make a centrist liberal propaganda movie, but no one involved was asked any tough questions about it.

If the film is receiving Air Force support and has a deal to do Air Force advertisements with the main star, it is Air Force propaganda. It was constructed specifically around the fact that the Air Force was having trouble recruiting women, so the whole idea of it was to show a character overcoming obstacles to

Michael Bay is often a military propagandist yes. I just picked random examples. However, especially given the production practices used on them I don’t think it can be denied that Captain Marvel and Zero Dark Thirty were explicitly propaganda films.

Captain Marvel is just an obvious example, in part because there was a big “woke” fight over it and also because there was an explicit deal with the Air Force that the film would be used as a recruiting tool. (Air Force promos featuring Brie Larson before the film at all screenings, etc.) But sure, those films also

Bigelow and the producers did, but I’m referring to the actors who were pretty unscathed by that whole thing.

Bigelow did, but not the actors so much. I think it was generally agreed that they were just actors taking a role and couldn’t be held accountable for what the creators of the film did. Which, I’m not saying I agree or disagree, but if we’re holding actors accountable for taking roles in an anti-abortion movie I don’t

Like literally everything about it.

They ran Air Force ads before the film bud. They had Larson literally sitting with Air Force captains and shit and talking about how they wanted to make a film that would honor them. You’re not looking very closely if you don’t think that a film that had an extensive deal with the Air Force wasn’t at least partly

I mean, I don’t disagree with the criticism per se, but I don’t know how anyone squares this moral righteousness over an actor taking a role with the fact that actors taking roles in pro-military propaganda blockbusters like Captain Marvel and Zero Dark Thirty never receive a fraction of this criticism. In fact, we’re