
Hate to be that guy. But this is missing “It’s ‘Potato,’ not ‘Potatoe.” when Bart had to correct Dan Quayle. (That one’s become a rarity though because it was only used once in a summer repeat in 1992.)

The game had a sequence where you beat up prisoners on Rikers Island. Rikers itself is so controversial that there is no a plan in place to finally close it for good; it’s basically one of the worst human rights violations that exists in the U.S. today. Look, I really enjoyed that game. But try to imagine a superhero

Thanks for the feedback. It seems like centrist liberals have been doing more harm than good for decades now already, so I’m not really taking suggestions from them at this time. I will continue to listen to the BLM movement leaders and the black activists and scholars who have paved the way for them, all of whom have

The journalist Alexander Cockburn openly wrote about being privy to similar Biden stories in 2008. (Apparently Biden was making inappropriate sexual advances on staffers within the weeks after his first wife’s death.) There’s no way the Obama team simply had no awareness of that article, which was published in

What I truly do not understand here is why this leads you to instead believe Joe Biden, a man with a history of touching women inappropriately and who just a few months ago was outright lying on TV about his record re: Social Security and about being arrested trying to see Nelson Mandela.

Nah, we’re saying what we’re saying. We want to slash funding to the police departments and, ultimately, potentially, abolish them outright. Again, there is decades of writing on this that you can peruse if you wish. People have in fact envisioned a world without police. Police are a specific concept that have not

The problem is not with the phrase. The problem is with liberals being upset about the actual meaning of it and trying to redefine it against the wishes of the people who have actually coined and pushed it, because they are uncomfortable with the actual left taking the reins for once. For the record, black American

It’s temporary. They’re going to put it back on HBO Max later with educational materials attached to it. IMO the right way to handle it.

You’re right, the party was never going to allow Bernie Sanders to become the nominee, because any amount of progressive change was completely unacceptable to it. That is why the party - at Biden’s insistence - continued to hold primaries in states like Illinois and Arizona rather than delaying them due to the

You’re right, the party was never going to allow Bernie Sanders to become the nominee, because any amount of progressive change was completely unacceptable to it. That is why the party - at Biden’s insistence - continued to hold primaries in states like Illinois and Arizona rather than delaying them due to the

Considering Biden willingly sent voters to their deaths during a pandemic in order to maintain his lead over Bernie Sanders, earnestly thinking he equals “democracy” is both hilarious and depressing.

There is no democracy in this country. But you go on believing whatever brings you the most comfort until that finally

“Biden = democracy”

Lol. Yeah, you keep telling yourself that.

This is the exact kind of dull dogshit I’ve read for years now from #resistance types. Yawn. 

Kinda sucks that sites like this went to bat for Biden, a senile racist and rapist, at the expense of actual progressive candidates. Oh well!

The general message is valuable and important, and I still want to strangle every single wealthy celebrity who makes it while sitting in their giant mansions, surrounded by luxury and yards that enable them to go outside whenever they want. Maybe they should shut up, donate to funds for people struggling with rent

If you click through one of the tweets Oakley answers that. The special had no input from the show’s writers. I think I’ve read before that it was put together by the Fox marketing team. 

Being complicit in war crimes or showing disregard for intellectual property theft? I don’t know, these are the same to me.

To the whole nostalgia issue, I always just think back to the fact that I first started watching the show in the early 2000s after it had already (IMO) jumped the shark, and was watching syndicated episodes with basically no context, except for a vague sense of what era they were all from based on the animation.

I personally liked it a lot, best of the new era by far, and yet I still find myself frustrated with the take from a lot of critics that it was a perfect piece of art and can’t possibly be critiqued. I mean jesus, even I thought it had flaws, and it’s possible to just dislike a movie without being a whining neckbeard.

Now if only they could get all the other actors to leave the show too. And all the writers. And all the producers. Actually, maybe just empty the whole studio just to be safe.