
but... what if I accidentally kiss an orc?

on your wedding day!

so... the wife left him lying there on the floor for a whole day?

nah, there's definitely sex involved.

The Oculus Rift can whisk you away to fantastic, hitherto unimaginable worlds, sure, but it's testament to the power of the tech that a truck simulator can be a mindblowing experience. Euro Truck Simulator 2 is a genuinely, unironically brilliant game. I installed it as a joke and ended up playing it for 30 hours and

this is going to spawn creepy sonic gifs, isn't it?

to play the demo you have to buy the lightning trilogy, cosplay as lightning while taking a selfie and posting it on twitter and name your first born lightning.

so, it's Evolve under water?

ha ha, you can buy Moby's Dick on amazon! :D

I wish I didn't...

I'm sure there's a 12-step program for that.

wait, this is a movie? I thought it's just a call of duty coverart slideshow to sound effects and BRAAWWWWM music.

ooh, haven't finished that one! but yeah, maybe he thought of MI3.

don't worry, they can put Magikarp in one of those humanoid robo-suits just like Krang:

I don't remember anybody in disguise in MI2?

no no no, you did it wrong!!! it's always the sister of a friend's aunt's roommate who got a ton of cash!

nah, we're there already.

is it still region-locked, though? because fuck you if it is!

ichi, ni, pantie!

that's what niconico does. so it could happen.