
I was gonna ask the same thing, sounds like Quentin Tarantino organized the deal. probably in a dressing room in a shopping bag, underneath some books.

I think they did that crap, so google would buy them. but they didn't and therefore amazon got twitch for a "discount" price of 970 mirrions of dollars.

Long and chewy, occasionally gooey, the best things in life taste good with chop suey. 8 minutes to boil; 2 minutes to eat. Admit it, kid, noodles cant be beat!

well, that was... something.

apparently, he was in a hurry - to get a new iphone.

France rhymes with pants. coincidence?

yeah, like a prequel of Milo. what would be the prequel of the prequel, a talking fetus? Ha ha!

I can relate to that. if you ever try to destroy my sand (snow) castle, I'll break more than just your combo. >_>

did Grayson (the fish) find those glitches?

little late to the party, but thanks for the win, mike! :D and good luck with the surgery.

uh oh, what's going on? all the comments have a "pending approval" stamp on it. lol, in the kinja world everyone's guilty until proven innocent!

finally, a realistic portrayal of mushroom consumption. well done, nintendo!

it's captain planet, after getting high on some garbage.

but, could you play a local co-op / splitscreen game together that way?

b-but what will happen to the 'shop contest?

for every Yin there's a Yang.

thanks! wasn't yours painting by numbers though?

every time you poke it, there's a 5 minute long exposition speech.

and another one:

huh? why not Okami Pictionary?