
I think you need to see a psychiatrist.

I usually leave a twitch stream on, when I'm away - very practical when the streamer is skyping with somebody else and they laugh a lot.

"Welcome to our new episode of XBOX ON podcast! - today's topic is..."

definitely play 6 days a sacrifice - that's damn good and it's crazier towards the end!

when did diablo 3 turn into littlebigplanet? :O

yesss! and 80s fashion vomit princess too!

it shows how you guys know NOTHING. he was telling us all the release date of The Last Guardian in sign language.

after the announcement I still don't know what's it about. never heard of the comics either. could you tell me what's great about it? (as in I'm curious, not being cynical here)

on purpose.

it's the sign of the apocalypse! human sacrifice, xbros and pslaves living together... MASS HYSTERIA!

it's supposed to be an adjective and it's in germlish - that's the joke!

ha! love me some germlish!

shortest let's play ever?

that's great news, now get some more old games support for mac and I'd be super happy!

that's because it is! asylum demon twerk attack.

butts, butts everywhere!

I do understand that you are disappointed with the content they provided for those $60. on the flip side people pay $200+ for earthbound/radiant silvergun. the content is the same, the game is the same the value is determined by other factors. an enjoyment of a game is not determined by the price.

sure you can! but after konami's press conference from 2010 I'd be more skeptical.

in the crazy world of video games, there are always bizarre moments where promises like those don't come true.

and let's not forget when they revealed halo 4 it was called the first in a new trilogy. so, it should've been obvious that teaser was for halo 5.