
30 minutes later:

I wasn't criticizing the value of an individual product to an individual customer. the thing I'm confused about is, that a game at $60 seems shit while going down to 15 it becomes enjoyable. what I'm saying is the price of a game doesn't determine how fun it is.

yeah, I get that, I'm on a budget too. but it doesn't matter if it's a buck or 60$ if a game's shit, a game's shit.

how can you measure fun in dollars?

heh, yeah, we're a very vocal fanbase. :B

because the world is overpopulated with the wrong kind of people.

sounds familiar...

there are no people in that universe because the langoliers got to them already.

yeah, it's gonna be 4 am for me too, but I'll be in a chat with other poor sleep deprived souls and we can freak out, boo and cheer together digitally. it's at least something!

haven't seen any reviews yet and I'm planning to make watch dogs one of my current gen purchases (once I have one of those consoles), but how's the whole "stealing money" addressed in the game? I know you can help citizens who are being attacked, because crime is bad - so is stealing money. are there any repercussions

maybe he has a jenga shaped genital wart on the tip of the head?

now let's hire some fake protesters to create some controversy!

like this?

edit: replied to the wrong comment v_v - also my wireless keyboard is unlocking some ancient hieroglyphes while typing, wtf?

hand slap simulator 2014?

heh, it never popped up in my mind until I saw Zombie's comment. now I want to watch it again! :D

Now playing

ever heard of the expression "the customer is always right"?

I think Fried Shrimp was mostly during the Asian Special Deals or whatever they're called. I've seen them, never tried it, though.