if jews can be a class, then so can elves! D:<
if jews can be a class, then so can elves! D:<
yeah.... doesn't make it any less painful to hear. :)
Audrey Horne better has a cherry as an accessory or no buy!
best thing ever!
oh, for a second there I thought it's an A Capella version of REZ's stage 4 track!
you know, they don't even care to make such a comment - and that hurts more. ;_;
ha ha, yeah! although, it's not as bad as it usually is (because it's a sunday?) - they might still come, though.
nah, she said specifically FFXIII. I mean, it's a video about make-up and not an analysis of FFXIII, maybe she likes the game because she can't believe, how someone could come up with all this bullshit that is this game (+sequels) and plays it out of a bizarre curiosity/ironically.
I do. I care!
"favorite character..." / "favorite game..."
ha, I was going to post that - good thing I checked the comments first. :3
John DeFoe lives!
heh, yeah, I'm gonna grab that season pass for 10 bucks.
they will remember that.
your fingers don't get greasy, I'd say you're doing it right!