
[fap intensifies]

I can't put a top ten list of favorite episodes - it all depends on my mood (although scott tenorman is definitely #1) - I'd like to see a TOP 10 of South Park songs, though! that would be interesting!

I think the episode was called "Entity" - not sure, though. and he wasn't mrs. garrison back then (he still had mr. hat).

taco-flavored kisses! :D man, I had tears in my eyes when I watched it the first time.

yeah, I thought about putting some kind of title on the picture, but then I was convinced I won't even be in the top 20. you should've seen my face when I saw my pictures on the front page the other day! :O

lol, no worries and thanks for the apology! obviously, I made this one for the cheap laughs. I mean, I hardly agree with any of the winners in all the contests, it's all personal preference (my favorite was the jack nicholson one). I like that Owen chooses the winners to be honest and a picture like mine proves you

torches and pitchforks, apparently...

Dear Kotakuites,

ha ha! I've been there! although, there's less invasions in demon's souls lately. it took me 4 hours to beat the phalanx in my very first playthrough.

here you go. :)

2 Girls 1 Cup: The Sequel

simple, yet perfect!

wow, wow, holy shit! your comment was cut off by the "preview box" so I clicked it to read the rest. it jumped onto the other comments again, I had to scroll up and down a few times to even figure out what happened and where your comment was. D:

oh, ok - I always go with Toad. so, if we ever happen to be in the same town (for some reason) - I CHALLENGE THEE TO A DUEL! *slaps you with a white glove*

ps4 port pls

hmm, I was gonna say that too. now I kinda wanna play against you. :B

so, he's related to ben affleck?

please, let this be the last FFXIII game, squenix!

awww man, for a second there I was hoping I'm not the only one with an exploding-cat-fetish. v_v