Claw is $12.49 on Amazon.
Claw is $12.49 on Amazon.
Claw is $12.49 on Amazon.
Claw is $12.49 on Amazon.
Same price at Costco right now on the Airpods.
Same price at Costco right now on the Airpods.
I have a 2-year-old and work 50-60 hours/week. That plus middle age = former encyclopedic NFL memory no longer working so well.
Same here. Was expecting the pitch to be above his eye level and for him to tomahawk it out.
Don’t forget the Ideal Gas Law.
BT Sport - How about a fucking replay of the knockout punch?
This guy did 72 hours in isolation (but not darkness) - I can’t imagine someone can do 30 days in darkness:
I have no memory of this game - and I watch almost every NFL playoff game. (Spoiler alert - I don’t think I watched this one.) Had to check Wikipedia to see that the Jags did indeed beat the Bills 10-3. How the hell did the Bills get a wild card spot last year?
Engels in the Outfield.
Water eyed missile man
Browns rookie wide receiver A. Iverson could only shake his head.
Might as well go ahead and change his name Tyrone Marinovich.
You are 100% correct. I’m an estate planning attorney and the things I have seen people do when money is on the line used to surprise me. My favorite recent family of assholes were the people who called me while their “beloved” aunt was in hospice care asking me how soon they could get their money after she died. They…
Looks like Event Horizon plus Interstellar with a dash of Solaris.
I thought the same thing - but it’s a “5", not a “$” (hard to read, especially on mobile).
You win. Take your damn star.
I’m a native Texan, live in Houston, and love the Texans. This will never happen as long as JJ is doing all the endorsement deals he is currently doing, especially with someone like HEB (biggest grocery chain in Texas). There are a far too many Texans for whom the Second Amendment is sacrosanct and no reasonable…
There is no tax classification of “LLC” for IRS purposes. An LLC is a state-law entity that is classified as either a disregarded entity, partnership, s-corp, or c-corp for IRS purposes. An LLC can elect to be classified as an S-Corp, but your statement above is incorrect. (Source - me, this is what I do for a living.)
You might want to check your math there, sport. (You’d have $50K, not $500K.)
I can’t wait for the inevitable sob-fest/ jesus-forgives-me / my-family-still-loves-me / the-devil-made-me-do it media redemption tour.