Deadspin took tons of chances on people and types of articles other places wouldn’t. Even if you didn’t like them, the media world is a lot worse for having fewer places like that.
Splinter never seemed like they had their shit together. Half of their posts were less than a paragraph long or simply a posting of someone’s tweet. Sure, Deadspin did the latter on occasion and Kotaku did the former with smaller news stories, but Splinter took it to a whole other level. Furthermore, much of the…
I cannot believe this. I am furious. Deadspin has been my favorite web site for years. It has brought me into its sister sites, like Jezebel, that I think are awesome. I am literally the target demographic for Deadspin, and management has somehow been able to piss me off.
Right? For my money, the two most dangerous/biggest enablers of this whole regime are Barr and McConnell. They’re simply the smartest two people in the entire administration and they’re utterly ruthless and amoral—and both in positions of great power.
I’m not sure what could top holding meetings in a dark room because they were too stupid to find the light switch and too proud to ask someone who had worked there under Obama.
kill yourself
Can guarantee you every boomer maga dipshit in his office right now is like; “yeah, you know, there should be a way to unsend an email”
Just wait for when this administration is done and everyone starts talking and gets book deals.
I don’t care about Hunter Biden, throw him in jail for all I care. This isn’t a BUT Hunter Biden situation. Maybe it’s an AND Hunter Biden. Anyone trying to refocus on just him has a suspicious agenda or is an idiot.
God, I wish I could fully enjoy this. I wish I could revel in this utter stupidity and incompetence and absurdity. I wish I could just bathe in the schadenfreude without that pessimistic voice in the back of my head staring out the window distractedly and softly whispering, “none of this matters, you know.”
It’s ironic that Giuliani made a name for himself with the SDNY prosecuting mobsters in the 1980s before becoming mayor.
it’s particularly good that even the republicans don’t want to hammer too hard on the whole “how did your kid get a cushy job in an area you were supposed to be overseeing again” thing.
Giuliani is just a second rate Roy Cohn. That’s his place in history. He should get use to it.
I believe yesterday was what they call an inflection point. Everything was exactly the same as before, until— suddenly it wasn’t. It wasn’t time before, and now it’s time.
Yeh, this is a pretty easy-to-digest type of crime spree by Trump & Co. The Russia/Mueller thing was so complex that the average Joe wasn’t going to even bother diving into all the tentacles and specifics. This is fairly straightforward. If nothing else, hopefully it sways middle-of-the-road/undecided voters in 2020.
I’m so glad I’m not the only one who thinks he talks like a bad knockoff of 80's mobsters. It’s like this dipshit watched Goodfellas and thought that was how to criminal properly.
I went to college not too far from Liberty. Boy the stories we used to hear. That place is a prison, it’s absolutely bonkers.
He looks douchey but I don’t think there’s been even a whisper of anything bad about him as a parent. It’s a good thing that those kids have him as a stable parental presence in their lives (I love Britney, but she’s probably still not the best in that regard).