
I am still a little dumbfounded that teams with signigfcant attendance problems don’t give away tickets or sell them for $5 as a very regular thing.  An empty seat is almost like an empty seat on an airplane - a sunk cost.  Somebody in that seat might buy a beer or a hot dog, which has roughly a 1000% profit margin.

Just get rid of interleague play. The best parts of baseball happen when clubs really hate eachother cause they play 40 times a year. I went to Pirates Reds this weekend. The stadium was packed to watch two terrible teams play. Why? Because the weather was perfect and these two teams have exciting games.

Become a Democratic candidate for the 2020 election. 

Maxwell thought she was something of a latter day Colette; she wasn’t. Even so, Gigi and Cheri didn’t really want any part of it.

It’s not going to be like 2016, again, because his a lot of his base has obviously already moved on to other candidates.

I’m betting Stephen Ross’s next press release will say that if Kenny Still believes in justice and equality as much as Ross does, he should stand up and show that he disagrees with the President by attending the fundraiser and donating $250,000 to his re-election campaign. 

I know I’ll get some hate for it, but I’m going to defend Ross again. He’s really not as bad as people say. Sure, he can be annoying at times, and he’s a little quirky. But his physical comedy is unmatched. After the initial mopey stage he really turned it around and I started rooting for him. And he ended up with

“Creating Jobs and growing our country’s economy”.

Needs more ‘Oz’.

I googled their owner Steve Ross to see what he looked like and the majority of the hits were for Bob Ross’ son, Steve, who looks like someone Michael Myers would have killed in the 80s

These owners really need to stick to sports.

It’s dangerous for Kenny to publish this already-public information. What if people see this is and realize Stephen Ross is a racist piece of shit?

True, but her VH1 show NoTORIous was a fucking delight. She had great comic timing. I still think about that show ‘til this day!

I feel like Tori isn’t the right kind of train wreck to make for good RHOX style drama.

Oh Tori, even on a show executive produced by your father you were still just a second-string character.  Get over it, you will never be a Kelly!

Yeah, this is something that is extremely important to learn, and that (at least in the US) most people don’t seem to know, partially because we’re taught that HR is our friend. HR is certainly capable of helping you, but generally that help is an afterthought if the company’s needs are different than yours.

At first I thought you were pregnant from 1979 to 2015.

I work in HR. Can confirm. We are not your friend.