
I guess the 2 million his dad paid Harvard to take him didn’t buy much.

An important question to someone in Texas.

People just want to see him humiliated because he’s a Trump supporting piece of shit who owns the most hateable team in sports.

Pull an Eli Manning, basically?

Kennedy joined the majority in Casey and Whole Health.  He was a moderate on abortion.

I don’t think it’ll happen until after the 2020 election (or Roberts is going to do his damndest to make sure it doesn’t), but right after, we are fucked.  Also, I guarantee if Trump loses Thomas will immediately retire, to make sure we don’t have a chance at a seat for YEARS.

It’s the slut’s fault she allowed him to have sex with her, don’t you know that?  

I think he’s going to split the difference and uphold a 20 week ban.  It’ll create a hodgepodge among the states and the only way around it would be for congress to pass a law.  However, since we can’t get anyone to run for senate because they all fucking want to run for president, won’t happen.

I just came here to relive the absolute best moment of election night 2018.  Watching Walker lose literally made me squee with joy.

I’m surprised he didn’t immediately drop to his knees.

Right? The scene where Oberyn talks about Cersei’s hatred for Tyrion as a baby and explaining why he will be his champion is one of the best scenes in the whole fucking show so we should probably not forget it.

To be fair, that didn’t happen to the Hapsburgs till they got till the end of the line.

Lord, he’s white.

Just as an FYI, RuPaul considers himself male and uses male pronouns.

Also, the female doctor who branded(!) the slaves.  I can’t remember her name from the podcast.

Yeah, the Brienne stuff didn’t bother me.  He’s the love of her life, she knows he loves her as much as he’s capable of given the mss he grew up in, and he’s about to go die for nothing.

I thought the Jeyne Poole plot was the dumbest thing I ever read.  I just didn’t care.

I think that’s his version of Theon sacrificing his life to save Bran.

Me too.  She EARNED it, the hard way.

THIS. Jaime loves Brienne, that’s been clear as shit for a while, he just can’t break completely free from the toxic mess he grew up in (which let’s be fair, neither can Tyrion), so he threw away his one chance for a loving relationship and a normal life to go back to the only thing he really knows.