
I actually kind of think he’d be fun to hang with.

Dallas. Jerry never met a legal question he didn’t sign. Plus Romo has to lose the ability to throw the next time he breaks his back.

One was supporting someone getting an abortion, one was a cop, and one was the husband of a woman having an initial consultation, she had just learned they were having a third child. So screw you.

How? No one he killed was there for an abortion.

Illinois republicans like to trumpet the idiocy, because there’s no chance of it ever, ever passing. I don’t even see our asshole corposhit of a governor signing this mess, not that it would ever make it out of committee.

I live here - the Democrats hold supermajorities in both chambers, so this won’t even make it out of committee. It’s just election year dumbfuckery.

They’ll probably give him one.

Oh for God’s sake. Wall Street is AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE ECONOMY. I understand the need for reform but has anyone taken a basic class on Econ and the Market?

Didn’t you hear? Women “came out of kitchen” to support him.

When I was 16, I had sexual contact (not intercourse, but close) with a 25 year old. I definitely consented. Two months later I would reach my state’s age of consent. Was I so much more mature 2 months later?

Watching them repeatedly sack Brady was far more entertaining.

I find it refreshing that Cam isn’t a Jesusbot.

20 week ultrasound at the earliest.

“Are you prepared to look at a woman who has been bitten by the wrong mosquito and tell her she has no option but to carry a micro-encephalitic fetus to term?”


South Carolina will be a rude awakening for the Bernie Bros.

If Hillary’s the nominee, the VP will be a Castro brother.

Every time I look at him and start to like him I just remember....he’s Carcetti from The Wire.

Worked in ‘86.

Sayonara, asshole.