Halcyon Dogs

I will brook no fucking Bruce Arthur slander on this timeline!!

Every new bit of Kawhi-related news seeping out during this playoff run somehow makes me like him more each time.

A good time as any to remind ourselves of the best season-ticket renewal request ever.

Absolutely nothing, say it again

To be fair thats his normal resting face.

Who amongst us hasn’t?

Fearing a dreaded Parental Advisory sticker would hurt sales, his manager locked the original title of the song away deep in a filling cabinet and hoped against hope that Billy Joel would simply forget by the next morning.

I just took a bath, Jerry. A bath! It’s disgusting. I’m sitting there in a tepid pool of my own filth. - Kramer.

Take all the stars you brilliant so and so.

“(S)He’s Guilty (The Judge song)”

We should have seen this cumming a mile away.

The photo you’ve used is so adorable!

Something something AIDS pun.

Now playing

Holy shit The Housmartins!! Whats weirder than this esoteric choice is I really randomly had a dream two days ago that I was playing the title track of their People Who Grinned themselves to Death album for someone. I may have problems.

You win.

Oh to be a fly on the wall for the next few phone calls Cain made.

+2 Titles.

interrupting the commercial for Papa John’s that had been airing

Now playing

In a show magnificent both in writing and performance, this. entire. scene. Enjoy

Go to your room.