Holy mother of christ she’s a deadringer for Parker Posey’s character in Best In Show!!
Holy mother of christ she’s a deadringer for Parker Posey’s character in Best In Show!!
Thats it. My quest for 2019 is to reintroduce the phrases Sensitive Plant and Animated Ivory into the vernacular.
Heeeeeeeere’s Kariiiiim
It allows the Rockets the option of including him in trades after Dec. 15th given that theoretically he is more valuable than the average 15th man.
I would also appreciate it if you could let us know how much you made last month working from home
I know it’s par for the course to talk about the Streeps’ the Pacinos’ and the De Niros’ but Julianne Moore is putting together a body of work that holds up against and places her among the pantheon of American actors of the past four decades.
Believe it or not Dennis Quaid for a long while was considered in the industry a poor man’s Tom Cruise.
*Alonzo Mourning on the bench staring into the ether nodding wistfully meme*
You all know how this is going to end right?
Goddamn you. I hadn’t planned on laughing after reading this article
+1 -1 finger.
The phrase at that point, and that point only and the use of deft really elevated this from the ordinary to the sublime.
*Hear Hear.
More like Elton Bland AMIRITE....am I ri.....guys?
There’s no way they didn’t do that entire scene as an homage to The Office.
Legacy Kawhire.
The description of this stabbing was Piercing.
It’s a ‘2018’ moment when one is genuinely surprised that a White Supremacist was fired from the White House for being a White Supremacist.