Halcyon Dogs

The Pistons wheels certainly have been stuck in the mud the past few months and the crowds and empty seats mirror that. One hopes they can shift gear and reverse this skid if not one would be hard pressed to argue against the coach getting the shaft. Perhaps a revving up of the speed of play or a line-up rewiring to

*Billy Joel’s Scenes from an Italian Restaurant plays in the background*

Jesus. Christ.

That’s a fine.

Timely reference.

Speaking of rabbits...

They’d better put him in isolation because this motherfucker about to be done good.

I’m mooved by this story.

Some contestants will do anything to get over the hump

While the sketch was aces and Kate McKinnon was her usual ethereal self all I could think of while watching it was “PLEASE DON’T FUCKING JINX IT!!!!’

I know that Jerry Reinsdorf is considered a cheap owner but Jesus Christ how old is that wheelchair?

It’s the Christian thing to do.

He just smiled and gave him a Dellymite sandwich.

I see you standing there.

+many Hefeweizens.

This being the first article on Deadspin on Christmas Morning is weirdly comforting.

I sense a rocky road ahead.

Villanueva was brought in for a preliminary statement to the police. It was described as an informal seat-down.

Pressured by the media for comment detectives were advised by higher-ups to keep a lid on it.

The thieves were reported to be flush with cash.