Halcyon Dogs

This story should give any sports fan paws for concern

Your editorial practice of blacking out the eyes of animals suspected of doping (you did it to a horse last week) is magnificent.

Oh dear god

In the post-Tim Duncan NBA, Gasol has claimed the mantle of resident ageless big man

*is the soul

Yeah it was a weird time where loads of small town sports anchors were verified and somehow Doris and Zach Lowe weren’t!

If brevity of the soul of twit, she has the most succinctly delightful twitter handle.

I’m just here for the Shakespeare puns

I really hope the overripe tangerine makes the mistake of trying to take on Pop in the media.

This is genuinely fucking amazing. I’m curious to see the level of coverage this gets Stateside.

At least you seem to be looking at the issue from a new ankle..

Give the editor who put a black bar over the horses eyes a raise

Has anyone used the new(ish) Firefox Focus Privacy Browser for Android and if so whats the verdict?

Jesus. Fucking. Christ. what a scary looking thing. I like to think of myself as an open-minded person. Welcoming of opposing viewpoints. Downright eager even to learn from world-views different from mine but who in the very actual fuck would find a a headless lump with a moving tail calming?

taint that the truth..

What a beautiful comment.

#Topical yet #Tropical. A white bronco full of stars is screaming down the highway to you as we speak.

Said comments will also be slathered in “FLAG!” “ANTHEM” “THUG!” and “BOYCOTT!!” with firehose-like spraying of the N-word all over the place.

Had seen it but neglected to include it in my examples. As MarcusAurelius alluded to, how does this guy not have a semi-regular slot on 60 Minutes?

His monologues on Michael Sam and Greg Hardy were great but this... this was something else.