
Yes, I watched that one. He did not nail that one, even though it was a kid + monster story. I'd argue that the Giant is more of a focus in the movie, even if in theory the girl is the lead.

I haven't watched an awful lot of Spielberg films, but The Color Purple is not only female-led, it's also wonderfully feminist from more than one angle of study. Beautiful movie.
I think he is just quite male-oriented, as Nolan is nowadays, but to his credit, when he ventured into different territory he nailed it.

I ship it 200%

I totally ship Laura with Mad Sweeney at this point.

I don't think he has it. Some people lose accents easily. My own accent is a mixture of those of the places I've lived in until now.

"This is Toby. He gets excited when he hears a gunshot. Doesn't like women a lot, but treats them well when I can get some. 12/10 would give him some steak."

And are you willing to carry luggage through airports?

Definitely not Nolan, he is not good at the woman thing.

The way he talks about people as one huge mass consuming variants of the same thing, with the example of sauce being sauce albeit slightly modified to fit each culture, is what made me think that. He'd be worshipped by every person out of the American culture basically consuming all kinds of American audiovisuals,

We have them in Spain. You have to ask the owner of the bar to press a button in a remote to make it work, since they have to check your age.

Yes, I thought it was a nice easter egg considering that's one of Hannibal's most famous scenes.

To be honest I thought he was Globalisation.

At least they bothered with a backstoty that kind of justifies it, with his father being a villain famous for creating and manipulating toys in impossible ways.

If she manages to get on stage by early June, my respect for her will be greatly increased. It sounds too soon, particularly for someone so young.

But most of the injured must have been minors. Is that even legal?

But telenovelas do that all the time: bringing new characters from the past that have never been mentioned before. I think it works within the context of the show.

My last theory is that it is Alba's Mateo

Even if I don't like her as a person (I'm more ambivalent than actively disliking her), I'd read what she writes or watch something written by her. Even when I don't agree with her points of view, I enjoy her style a lot and I do think she's a very talented writer.

The crazy thought that came to me today was that maybe the narrator is Mateo as in Old Dead Mateo. But I'd rather have the narrator be just a narrator tbh.

For course-correction, he should hire good writers. His directing is flawless. The actors are great. The script was so by the numbers that with the first scene I knew how the whole movie would turn up. They spoon-fed everything. Ffs, they went for the whole package: conversation about creation, Wagner (could at least