
She fangirled hard.

Gina did really well for someone who doesn't know the language, as a native speaker I was impressed!

I've looked into it. Apparently Andrea Navedo started studying Spanish after a visit to her family as a teen, so she probably can speak Spanish at this point, but since it's a second language she doesn't sound like a native.

For Jane I think it's mostly that Gina Rodriguez doesn't speak Spanish, so it'd be difficult for her to be switching constantly in the show.
EDIT: Not the same because it is the same language, but I can do both my native Spanish and the Spanish of where I've been living since I was a child. My parents speak our native

I think it's probably her choice. Xo is the kind of person that likes to be accepted and liked, so it makes sense for her to try to stick to English. I like how Rogelio talks to Alba in Spanish, though. It's sweet of him.

I was not expecting the Chuck twist for some reason, though it's pretty obvious now that I think about it. I liked him :(

It's kind of endearing that he thought he could do a French accent because he's married to a French woman.

He played Lumiere, he's already in the Disney family.

I may have skipped some of his movies, then… In fact my first thought after watching Dunkirk's trailer was that it was the perfect movie for him because it had no female characters and war movies are inherently emotional, so that's the two things he's bad at taken care of beforehand!

I don't know, I think Fabian makes sense. He is quite adorable and kind, but not in a way that threatens to make Jane fall in love. She's clearly still conflicted about letting Michael go, so a nice relationship with someone she can have fun with and like, but also be pretty sure she won't develop deep romantic

I like Chuck. He has that very manly air to him, but he still talks things out, is not afraid of getting close to the kids, and he seems to respect limits quite easily, unlike other ultra-manly cowboy types. I like how he kind of resists Raf's push without never pushing back, because he respects that it's not his

I am of the same impression. I didn't perceive him as lacking fullness of character, just a slightly superficial guy. But we got a lot from him, I think.
First, he isn't into Jane for sex as the playboy lines being thrown around all the episode implied. He got interested after listening to her. So he listens and he is

Well, that work schedules in sitcoms are unrealistic is another topic entirely and also true.

But Monica was not exactly a cook, was she? She was more of a chef, which is like, a top of the ladder cook. In Spain that pays nicely, I don't know about US.

Where I live (not US,) unpaid internships are sadly pretty common, and few people my age live by themselves without help from parents even though some have two jobs. Those who do are the ones that have a romantic partner, since that helps a lot: cuts the rent of a one bedroom apartment by half, as well as reducing

That's because Petra is kind of intimidating and doesn't do anything to lessen that initial impression. If she called me and started rambling orders like that I'd be shocked and intimidated too!

Lorraine was not lying, Claire is lucky. Phil is such a keeper.

Hannah's speech was clearly about herself and not about Marnie, though.

I was not surprised in the least. Nice views mean you're in a good neighbourhood. Shosh would totally buy the shittiest place in the coolest area instead of the wonderful place in the not popular neighbourhood because she'd love to say that she lives in whatever the cool area is.

It's difficult to tell sometimes. Martin Sheen's real name is Ramón Antonio Gerardo Estévez Phelan and his father is from Spain. From Galicia to be precise. So he's actually half hispanic by US standards. Which makes Charlie Sheen multicultural too.