
Caprica's fate decided next week? Season 2 please! I've really enjoyed the world-building. Plus it looks like the program will be taking a turn for more action in 1.5 next January now that all the pieces are in place. (groan...January...)

From this trailer it looks like the US version lacks the UK's visual panache, and will inject much more "hillbilly" into the program. I'll pass.

That. Looks. AMAZING!

Such a loooong split for Caprica.... :(

I love the first Dead Space, and am looking forward to seeing more of the sequel.

@WestwoodDenizen: Perhaps Solo was already breaking free from the shackles with his awesome-rogue-scoundrel-skill.

@Chris LeBeouf: I get that's what the filmmakers were going for, I just didn't buy it....I start thinking about having a national food chain located in a top secret headquarters and how the logistics of that would stink. Think about it. The MIB 'priority one' is to not only protect & monitor extraterrestrials on

I really enjoy the first Men In Black film. Crazy, unexpected things happen but it is presented as 'normal'...as just the way the universe is, only we aren't allowed to remember it. A smart sci-fi summer action flick, with comedy deriving from the strangeness, and the main characters all have their moments & arcs.

I'm excited for Halo:Reach but this space combat just irks me. It looks like Star Wars Rogue Squadron...where I'm sure you'll fly around in big sweeping arcs, have a boost speed and barrel roll option, and invisible boundaries to keep you 'in the fight'. Ugh. I liked the look of Rogue Squadron, but found myself

Now playing

@James Taylor: "You want fear? I'm fear. You want chaos? I'm the chaos. You want a new beginning? I AM THE NEW BEGINNING!"

"The Space Jockey" movie, interesting. There will be no humans in the film then right?

"Activision announced it will form a dedicated business unit...plans to expand the Call of Duty brand..."

Someone working to bring LCARS to the Apple iPad? We need to make that the iPADD!

Someone working to bring LCARS to the Apple iPad? We need to make that the iPADD!

I want Myst and Riven (especially Riven!) for Mac OSX...

Very nice! Thanks Heather-hottie!

Forget a live-action film.

Looks awesome! :D