We had to sit through the frozen short and it was painful. It was a great example of how Pixar’s story telling is far superior to that of Disney.
We had to sit through the frozen short and it was painful. It was a great example of how Pixar’s story telling is far superior to that of Disney.
...And who over laps games on 2 different networks. They scheduled the second game to start before the full 90 was up.
As a parent of a soccer loving kid, who has been in the pay to play system, please burn it all down. There is too much money and political BS for it to change so everyone just goes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
Why do something that’s been proven successful all over the world when you can have idiots listen to your terrible ideas about how to run things?
I think cycling would be so much more popular if people learned how much it shoots its self in the foot. All the time. Don’t follow it for the sport, follow it because it is managed by idiots. It makes Goodell look like a genius.
can we ban the House Republicans at 6 weeks?
Why are we not talking about the current president and his harassment? Yeah we know he did it, but lets talk about it more...
I have been down the road (that the dump truck is on) many times. It is pretty steep and can be backed up with traffic. It could have been a lot worse.
I wish he would run.
another reason for the outdoor industry trade show to leave SLC! May seem like what there is a outdoor industry, but it is big biz for SLC.
Drugs in professional sports! No way....