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    Whoever made the little house icon for this post really screwed up. That's a picture of a 5D. NOT a 5D Mark II. It just happens to have a Mark II badge photoshopped on there.

    Oh wow. Those gigantic meat paws on the kitty in the first pic have just made my week.

    @J.D.Regent: @bluebears: This is hitting so close to home for me right now as I watch a member of my extended family pretty much having a mental breakdown after battling cancer for the past 5 years, and no one in her immediate family knowing what the fuck to do about it.

    Dodai my mother in law would tell you to go play the lottery today b/c poo in dreams = money.

    @J.D.Regent: Mugwort gives me the most insane dreams which i sometimes cannot separate from what actually happened in my waking hours!

    Oh I <3 thumbcats we had one when I was younger and my friends would always joke about her hitch-hiking and opening doors! This makes me want to go home and cuddle my kitteh who had a cold right now :(

    @arodriguez.romero: It's so true - I was in a class where the teacher would always work us toward really athletic intimidating poses all the time, and one day when we were doing the lead-up to scorpion I just hit it. So.effing.empowering.

    Ah, I should go back to yoga in the New Year. I've been meaning to do it, especially since my Dr. recommended it during pregnancy. But my stupid gym has all the prenatal yoga classes smack in the middle of the afternoon (in Park Slop of course!) while I'm at work in Manhattan. and I'm usually too tired to go after


    @LucyRed: And the fact that she's wearing a hat and a hoodie means it's gotta be somewhat chilly out there.

    @SmallbutMighty: I know! I remember this big 'expose' that CBS did that people thought eating organic was healthier until those smart folks at CBS news informed them that organic food does not, in fact, have more nutrients than regular.

    @operasingergirl: Well I would never wear real fur, or even try to go for the fur 'look' with fake fur, but I do have a bomber jacket that has fake fur (i hope!) around the hood.

    @dianersb: I think she is....and it's giving her a major case of barbie doll legs! So....plastic!!

    @disco2000: Haha Love the name. I get totally ridiculous with my animals names. For instance my cat Frank's long name is The Rev. Dr. Frankfurt A. Doodle, Esq.

    I want to kiss that widdle bwack nosey....

    My mom was taking some kind of medication once (I think it was some kind of steroid for her asthma) and it gave her crazy dreams and, apparently, super human strength. My dad said he woke up in the middle of the night, and my mom was screaming, standing over him holding a solid wooden rocking chair over her head that