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    @FourInchHeels: OMG I forgot about the babeland thing! I am heading to the Brooklyn store as soon as I cash in on my free Ben and Jerry's!!

    Well, it's nice to hear that there is someone out there with democracy's best interest in mind. I am reading something about voter suppression attempts (especially in VA) and they're pretty pathetic - like sending out an email to students saying "Election day has been moved to November 5th". Really? I now need to run,

    @Archetype: Everybody at my job pretty much has a "come in late" pass - especially since the majority of them will be at the same party tonight.

    @PrettyBitch: and she told him to give his wife 'a big hug for her' freakin hilarious.

    @shewar: I phone banked over the weekend and probably will do on my lunch hour today. Out of 85 phone calls, I spoke to 15 people, and 8 of them said they were voting for Obama. 3 of them were hostile and 4 hung up on me as soon as I uttered the name 'Obama'. But still, the majority said they were voting for Obama,

    @LunaPark: Did she live in NJ? Because there was this one woman on my block who used to do that. Also, sometimes they;d give out 5 pennies or 2 nickels wrapped in tin foil.

    @mbot: someone brought in a bag of tootsie rolls and a bag of mini reeses today and the reeses were gone by 3 pm. Tootsie rolls? Still sittin there!

    @sybann: yeah I've had about 5 mini reeses pb cups and 5 twizzlers. Oh sugar highs and lows!

    @Archetype: or my easybake 'ganja' oven

    @KathrynwithaY loves Joan Collins: holy crap there was this weird woman on the N train this morning that was supposed to be a sexy something (a clown maybe - I couldn't really figure it out) She was with a friend and kept opening her coat flasher style to make sure everyone saw her 'sexy' costume. And like twice i

    @evil_green_eyes: Me too! And my husband, who was making fun of me for delaying my getting ready for work in order to see their costumes was secretly all into too.

    This mans insane. I could see if it was posted in a blind item sort of way, but using full names? Aw, hell no!

    @truckasaurus: when I was little my mom was planting her garden and I asked her to get a certain kind of flower (the name escapes me) my mom thought it was weird that a four year old was requesting a very specific kind of flower - but she bought them and when they bloomed, my grandmother was over,saw them and said 'Oh

    We live in a old building (for this country anyway built in 1900 by Finnish carpenters) and when we moved and started renovating the place, we both felt a bit of a 'presence' when we'd be working. Nothing bad or evil just something there. We both think it was the original owner because we were actually restoring a lot

    @ineffable.me: my kitty does this freaky thing sometime where she looks behind me and her eyes get all big & the pupils go all big then she starts yowling. freaks me the fuck out!

    I have been some variation of zombie for the past few years (Zombie nurse with an actual nurses outfit not a sexy one) and am going as a zombie geisha this year.

    @SarahMC: I cannot wrap my brain around how awesome a pool party at her house would be!

    @oatmealshrapnel: I was trying to figure it out. I think it might be a poorly rendered Italy.