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    this reminds me of douchebag beach.

    @TheUptightMidwesterner: yeah I would imagine that much hair would weigh down on her scalp a bit. My husband has dreads 1/2 way down his back and his fall out sometimes and become cat toys too.

    @gobblegirl: It's laughable that the whole thing could be fixed by taking a page out of Canada's book. The US Gov't is seriously corrupt. You think Bush actually won either of the last 2 elections?

    I think my dad passed out when I was born. It was messy though as I almost killed my mum. I just found out I'm preggo and my husband is really excited and into it. Also, he's not an asshole so, there's that.

    Barbie feet! Mine hurt just looking at this pic....

    @rosasparks: seriously! my mother and I had tons of fun together and were/are great friends, but she knew when to crack the whip and actually, you know, be a parent.

    @BlondeGrlz: haha! Boomer was my nickname when i was a tot. Because I was colicky and the only thing that would stop my crying was for my dad to bounce me on his knee and say "boom boom boom' over and over again. And my mom wonders why I've been married 10 years and haven't had children yet!

    @LoveNoelG: you know, I have to say I've re-kindled some old friendships through FB and Myspace, but for the most part, it's like all these people I knew in high school and college that I'm now 'friends' with only on social networking sites. I do have to say that the good out weighs that though b/c I was able to

    Ah, the perils of dating in the digital age. So glad I got married before the whole myspace/facebook revolution. Shit, me and my husband never even emailed each other when we were dating (and it was long distance!) yes, I have love letters. Actual love letters!

    @MegSpencer: haha yeah sometimes I just fire off the first thing I think of, which doesn't always translate well on the interwebz...

    @LaFemme: yeah I made another comment saying that this came across as very F the other countries" I hear ya...

    hey my comment got eaten. And I realized it may have come off as a bit 'f the 3rd world' but what I wanted to get across is that while I know womens health is a worldwide issue, with the way the economy is going (and the way McCain would steer it) we are going to have some families in dire straights here.

    Yeah Cindy lets go abroad and help expecting mothers and newborns with their malnutrition while ignoring those here in our own country suffering the same!

    Crash and burn baby, crash and burn ! I am suddenly glad I'm having a quiet in weekend because I'll get to witness this train wreck.

    There's got to be something going on in the planets that's affecting relationships big time. Not just all these celebs breaking up but in my personal group of friends/family, I know at least 5 long time couples who have broken up/ divorced recently. And I'm talking about together for 13 years then deciding to break

    @bananastand: and the dreaded 'ring of fire' the next morning!

    I apologize for treating my body like crap with various legal and non legal substances! I promise I'll quit smoking for real this time and it will still count if I'm drunk!

    I don't know if it's because I'm tired and PMS-y but that pic kinda brought tears to my eyes. Megan this is a great piece - as always- and I can't believe the way they are pushing this. As the Huff Po piece points out - it's not voter fraud if someone registered Mickey Mouse to vote and he never voted.

    @howdybeep (runs with monkey wrenches): congratulations! we've already doubled the length of the average marriage! And we've seen so many celebs who got married around the same year as us crumble...