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    That bestie was great I knew as soon as I saw it it would be the one.

    So refreshing to see a celebrity kid looking like a normal kid (aside from the fact that we're looking at paparazzi shots of her). Not carrying a bag from a store where buying a single outfit probably costs as much as my entire mortgage.

    A club in brooklyn (Southpaw) has a Saturday afternoon dance party for little 'uns, but the parents are allowed in. I walked by one day as it was letting out and it made my ovaries skip a beat to see all these little 5 years saying things like " Oh that was such a good time, can't wait to see you next week"

    All I can think about now are onion and BBQ sauce on pizza. That sounds hella good! Better than my current fav - Jalapenos & Chorizo.

    @Hamsterpants: I'm wondering if they will be selling Palin type wigs for Halloween because I really want to be Zombie Palin for Halloween but my hair is way to short for the up do....

    @mymanicpixiedreamcatsnores: yes I know, and every time she parades all those kids on stage, when the baby should be sleeping...but ultimately, it has nothing to do with her ability (or lack thereof) to run for VP.

    @mbprice: "Marge that monkey made the orange juice you're drinking"

    I'm annoyed by the poll of Clinton vs. Palin. Why did they ask if who they thought was the better mother?? Nobody cares who the better father is Obama or McCain so why is it an issue when asking about the women? I guess it;s not like, the NY Times taking the poll but still.

    Jessica, I know you're trying to reinvent yourself as 'country' but thats a dog not a child on your lap while you're driving.

    @EleanorRigby: yes I almost exploded when she said that in an outburst of 'you hate women's rights!!!'

    @undefined: you can also use coke to clean greasy pots and pans

    @EnglishC6H6 is British Benzene: It's the same with my family. While I can carry on rational intelligent discussions with co-workers (though most of us here are for Obama) FORGET ABOUT IT with family. They end up screaming and insulting each other.

    @lisas: wow that's really well said. And to think that the simplest methods of prevention are readily available to us to help other countries who are so devastated by AIDS and the good old USA won't do anything about it because of what our politicians belief systems are.

    @Political Party Girl: Not sure but the gimmickyness of this product is working on me and I totally want it!

    @Kilotwat: i think the fact that you keep referring to ALL tattoos artists as high school dropouts isn't helping get your point across.

    @hortense: Always should be someone you really love!

    @SisterMaryMartha: often the difference between the tattooed and the non-tattooed, as someone mentioned above is that tattooed people don;t judge you based on the fact that you have any tattoos i.e. judging someone based on their physical appearance.

    @AliceMalice: yeah it can totally go both ways - I know starbucks doesn't allow tattoos or piercings on it's employees (visible one's at least) but my husband, a tattoo artists, tattoos tons of people who work on Wall St. Law firms, etc.