
None of us is as beautiful as all of us.

Another Tuesday - another invitation to hurry up and die already.

... so kids, have you learned your lesson? Don't make fun of the colorblind kid. Some day he'll save your ass by sabotaging a recon ship from an invading planet.

It'd be a treat if someone would acknowledge that so far, we humans SUCK at long-term weather prediction.

Another idea - eat your pets. No one ever talks about how much environmental waste goes along with keeping a domestic animal.

Man hands! Aaaagh!

Being Jewish does not make one any more or less interesting.

I have Navigon and CoPilot for my iPhone 3GS. I can only keep one loaded at any time, so right now, it's Navigon's turn. I like it for the most part, but it has one enormous problem - all the text is WAY too small to be useful when driving. Look at these displays and compare them to the standard Garmin display and

I still don't get what this movie has to do with chili.

Arrrg! So close! The models here are fantastic. Really. I love when people use more conventional Lego to make such excellent replicas. Terrific work.

Aw HELL no.

@Coreboy: Fair point. I do not want to put words in your mouth.

@Coreboy: "If you don't think Discovery and every other network uses there (sic) own sensorship (sic), your (sic) not thinking clearly. "

@Coreboy: I'm not sure I can go along with your supermarket/salmonella analogy. The network has a responsibility to ensure its content is factual, but I don't think they have any responsibility to air content that may impact the planet or society in any way.

@Coreboy: The guy had mental issues. It's sad that they went untreated.

@zoethebitch: Kiiiinda thinking I don't know what you think I should know there. Are you implying something metaphysical? Pretty sure that'd be about 180 degrees out of phase with Ms. Rand's way of thinking.

I'm stunned that nobody mentioned "Atlas Shrugged" yet. It is sci-fi, and there is a device featured in the story that does this exact thing.