Hakan Loobed
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“Not a good time to lose one’s head.”

This has been Biden’s fundamental problem since Day 1. He has acted as if he is running in a general election against Trump, which presumes that he has already won the primaries. He gives the appearance that he feels entitled to the nomination and has seemed genuinely offended that he’s been forced to campaign for it.

Biden was insisting that Mike Pence is a “decent guy” while Pence was actively involved in a coordinated effort to destroy him and his son.

Exactly. The media keeps reporting on how people in the White House and Congressional Republicans are frustrated that Trump hasn’t come up with an adequate communications strategy (and apparently Trump is upset with Mulvaney for the same reason).

The fact that Biden was calling Mike Pence a “decent guy” while Pence was actively involved in a campaign to destroy him and his son tells you everything you need to know about whether Biden is capable of surviving a presidential campaign against Donald Trump, or anybody.

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If so, he certainly left Maguire in a difficult position.

Even better idea: Package it with Montana and sell them to Canada.

Bases on current polling, Castro and Klobuchar are the most likely to be forced off the debate stage by the new requirements and Booker may leave voluntarily. Even if he stays in, Booker’s chances of making the new polling threshold are iffy. Gabbard has polled 6% in NH and 4% in IA, so it’s not impossible that she

This portrayal is grossly inaccurate. In reality, the Millenial monkeys are waiting for the Boomer monkeys to finish stabbing the Gen X bystanders so that they can have their turn to do the same.

Like when she said that she doesn't want to see Trump impeached, she wants to see him in jail. Empty words to give people the impression that she cares about holding Trump accountable.

This is, without question, the correct take. Get deep in a great book and pop out occasionally to watch England’s batters collapse.

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It’s nauseating to watch the pundit class gloss over Biden’s nonsensical word salad response to a question on (of all topics) slavery. Candidate like Warren or Booker who have actually put thought into their policies and speak in proper paragraphs must be thinking...

...with all the crumbling infrastructure they had built for them and left to rot.

I have no dog in this fight. To my ear, it sounded like Castro was expressing genuine surprise that Biden was directly contradicting his own words from two minutes earlier. It really didn't come across as something that he was holding on to in the hope that he would get the opportunity to use.

If CBC still did an overnight sign-off montage, and owned the rights to the footage, the overhead shot after her victory would be part it.

Sadly, he will not be able to play in the NFL forever. But with that hat, he may have a bright future as a cricket umpire.

Chicago is like if Toronto were shittier.”

“Your uniforms look like Nickelodeon slime made with polluted river water.”

This was the best collection of letters from any WYTS I have read over the years. The self-loathing agony represents the Platonic ideal of what this series is all about.