
Heh, I may try this one. My sister isnt currently talking to me (about 3 months because I apparently misbehaved at her house lol, am 37) so not sure if I have been invited to Xmas but as my parents are there temporarily she may have to give in. I am going to use this one as I know its going to make me chuckle

Get the ICS keyboard? Get the ICS Rom if ya on Nexus S. Oh yes

Yep, got to agree there.

Teacher, banker, road sweeper. It shouldnt matter what job anyone is in, no one deserves being put down (well, unless the job is one of those 'you know what' type jobs lol. I hope she gets it resolved.

Ok first get it documented, times, dates, who was there and what was said. So, you have the evidence. Its a PITA for sure but I have learnt the past 2 years that evidence and the data to back you up is the best thing to go into battle with. Have a looksie here but dont back down. [money.cnn.com]

Indian by chance? Its not discriminatory to explain to someone they do not smell great. And if they are Indian I know what you mean. Apparently we smell to them too. Of dairy, in the milky type of way.

Really? So how do they go about knowing whose resume belongs to who?

Its the British spelling of the word :-)

Getting a good pair of winter tyres helps a lot.

I tend to take a protein shake after a work out just as a supplement before I get home to cook. So, if say I had 20g of protein I need to go 80g carbs as a 4:1?

It looks too clinical and those chairs dont look that comfy.

Ha ha, ok I see your point. Well on my Nexus S you could select the home button and then it would keep an icon in the notification bar and you could wake by saying hey jeannie. Last update doesnt seem to do that but could just be my phone as I mess about with it constantly.

Well, as its free why not try it and let us know. It does answer your questions by voice so you dont need to look at the screen. That I do know.

It does, in a way. Just press the home button and it should show an icon in the notification bar then just say 'hey jeannie' and she will wake up.

I think a review was requested on this a week or so ago so nice work Alan. One other thing people might not be aware of asking is 'What does 'x' sound like' so for instance what does a fart sound like (yeh childish but hey) and it will actually make the noise. So far I have managed getting a mini gun, shotgun, Dr Who,


Ah but you dont need XDA to customize your phone, it can be done all from the market. OOB is OOB but at least we have the option to change that. I havent really touched any windows phones so couldnt say although I have tried the WP overlay on the android but it wasnt my cup of tea. The music player was quite good

Ive just tried this (coming from adfree) and a few mins after install it popped up with a notification about single girls in my area. Now one of two things, 1) Is this due to the app itself as I have never had that before and 2) the single girls in my area are single for a reason (woof)

Hey Lifehacker, thanks for sticking GB in that list. :-)

I say not. Have a look [forum.xda-developers.com] Android screens can be made to look great there are some subjective choices there though, not saying everyone is great but there are vast differences between one person and another compared to iphones samey screens.