
a slice of bread in the mouth works too. Although you do look slighty daft

Grrr, I'm still waiting for 2.1 for the Hero. Stuck on 1.5, not good

I would like to point out that divvy is slang for idiot/retard in some parts of Northern England. It made me laugh anyway ;-)

@psychiccheese: Hmm, not so sure the fire will spread along roots to a tree dude, need quite a bit of oxygen for that and them roots are pretty well rooted through the soil to warrant a fire coursing along

Its got to be Professor Stephen Hawking. Where does he see space exploration in the next 100 years and how far are we from understanding the origins of the universe today from when he wrote A Brief History of Time in 1998 (I think).

@k-napped: How many do you guys get?

@DrNugu: .......'be good for you'

@Anomaly1: You are not doing anyone a favour by using their product. You decided to purchase it, if it breaks then we are the guys to help you sort it. But being a dick aint gonna cut it either. I think you have lost sight of how to act human an be polite. Would you like me to call you and act like a prick down the

@Justice: Not always the case. Although, where I work we are given the power to sort any persons issue out to the end. Naturally there are legal boundaries we cannot cross but apart from that.

I have been a customer service rep for the best part of 24 months now and I have to agree. Being polite really does pay off. You can be firm but still get your point across and get good customer service. A few points for those calling a customer service department.

Steve Jobs worth

@sirmeili: Yeh I am starting to think the same now.

@sirmeili: Yes it does use sense and yes you are right. I should have stated so as I was on about HTC and not Google. They were given the update ages ago from what I have read, and still waiting for a release.

Great, first can you release 2.1 for us Hero users etc. Ya taking too damn long. Hello?!!!

@Avi Horn: Not forgetting the soles of the feet