
@Beki: switch to water?

@Firesphere: 5k to paint a room? with what? Gold?

@pixelsnader: Disagree, sanding inbetween coats does work, my folks used to do it, more so on window sills and skirting boards than the wall itself. Not sure that going in thick is ideal however

@Fierock: Bin liner works well too.

@syenta001: Actually its not just pros that sand, as a kid I always remember my parents using sand paper too.

@azpat: .........Next............

@Haizum74: I realise now my foolishness, it was because we ran out of toilet paper.

I remember my Mum using newspaper back in the 70's

I put the script of Debbie does Dallas on it and got a 'review will take 5 mins' which is about the same amount of time a normal person would take to 'review' Debbie does Dallas.

@danmcintosh001: @Prairie Moon: @ Dan, its ironic really, depression is a debilitating illness that really doesnt allow you to get on with life yet here you are after 10 years of suffering doing just that, getting on with life the best you can as as such I have to take my hat off to you for getting through those 10

@Haizum74: I was agreeing with monsterblues JfTR

@orbitbreak: Ice cream is not unhealthy, just as long as it stays in the freezer at the supermarket. :-(

@2 replies: Easy tiger. I humbly appologise if I upset ones sensitive, fat addled emotions too. I take it you are not 'au fait' with the British sense of humour are you. Ya see we take the piss then add a little sentence at the end to turn the piss take round on oneself like I did there. I see you missed it. Never

As a sufferer for a year with depression (one of the lucky ones compared to other folk who have it throughout their life) I can say, without a doubt, it did not increase my mental skills. It was akin to sticking my head in a washing machine and turning it onto full spin. However, 8 years on and it has changed the way

@Prairie Moon: Heh, its dead easy to do and even better slicing open the potato and putting a dollop of butter in, topped with low fat cheese or a tuna/sweetcorn combo.