
@Cheesus Crust: Same here except I went for a 105" projector (only 720p though) and christ on a bike, what a difference

Drinking a glass of water before a meal can help too.

This is utterly fantastic. It really is a pain in the arse not been able to watch american shows here in the UK on the net. Now, is there a mobile (cellular) version?

@TheFuriousFive: I never suggested they did weights, I suggested they cut them out totally if they are wanting to lose weight as they said they were gaining it which would suggest its the weightlifting session (ok 20 pounds in a few months is impossible to pack on as muscle) and not the cardio. Either that or they are

@mrs_helm: Ok maybe you didnt read that correctly or I wrote it in a way that didnt explain very well.. The average bloke burns 2500 cals a day, you put in 2000 by way of food in that same day then it needs to take that extra 500 from somewhere!

@TheFuriousFive: What myth would that be then? So, you are saying that lifting weights will burn more fat than doing cardio over say a 30 min session 3 times a week for a month, the end of which body fat %age would be less with the weights?

@thebigcheese: Long as you have enough fresh water then does it matter. You will be hungry but still alive at the end of it.

@You burn calories 24/7 sat on your arse doing nothing. Thats not the point. The body actually burns protein first then carbs, both simple and complex, then the fat cells THEN muscle. SO, if as you say it burns muscle first then when does it decide to burn fat? When all muscle is used as energy? That would be

@Fierock: Yeh but the point was to lose the belly fat not build muscle. As such cardio is the option not weightlifting.

@JeanneGoogle: A rain mac? Why? its computer related not clothes related ;-)

@Eruanno: Now if it said that it would definitely be worth a download

@TheFuriousFive: Not a god idea to cut back on the cardio if wanting to lose weight. Cut back on the weights a better idea

@tdogg241: Thanks, the walrus tusks remark made me laugh a hell of a lot.

@Jabberslops: Its called showing respect. You have heard of the barbaric etiquette to eating with a pitchfork, shovel and saw surely? The pitchfork must be three pronged and not two as two is the sign of the devil and also the three prongs relate to morning, noon and evening (the times to eat). This is placed to the

@Oranges w/ Cheese has 2 cats! ahahaha.: Ok, dont panic, muscle weighs heavier than fat and as you are doing a weight class then in all probability you will be losing the fat and building some muscle (not turning fat into muscle though) which will account for the weight gain. Try cutting back on the weights and add