
@D14BL0: No, people are fat because they put in more calories in a day than the body needs and as such stores the excess as....yep fat. Put in 2000 a day, burn off 2500. Where does the extra 500 come from? The excess fat. and Bingo everyones a winner.

@Fierock:To exert a force your body needs to work harder. For it to do that blood needs to be pumped to the muscles working harder. For that the heart needs to get pumping thus resulting in a possible and likely 'sweat' and increase in heart rate.

While this can help, it would not necessarily mean the fat will just go off your belly. Same as folk thinking that if they do a hundred sit ups a day the fat will go off the belly. Unfortunately you cannot target fat in a specific area. The body just doesnt work like that. Yes, weightlifting will help as muscle weighs

@Schm1tty: Yeh that be a good idea too but they have also blocked connecting any flash drive by USB. Just wont show up.

@IBoris: Used Tune Up utilities for a few years now, great app!

@Dexomega: Unless your first name is Bill, surname Gates then I wouldnt even touch it manually. ;-)

I tried this and it didnt work as it wouldnt recognise my mobile number on the website. Tried various options (need country code) but nothing, so uninstalled.

I found getting in debt in my teens and taking up to my mid 20's paying it off has stopped me from getting back into debt and as such I can now enjoy my 30's buying things when I have the money and not before. Learning from mistakes is the best way IMHO

That would have been great had the work filter not blocked it as 'Proxy Avoidance' heh.

On my first ever trip to an internet cafe I set up an email address. That was with hotmail (.com) and I have used it ever since. I cannot change it and its part of me, although I have now got another with gmail. Only due to me buying an Android phone though.

Desktop, cannot abide with looking at small screens. Need 42" or above. And no I aint Stevie Wonder

@Jake712: Will it erase David Blaine then?

@xxdesmus: I cannot see where he is saying buy, buy, buy. Just mearly pointing out another app that may or may not be of use to folk.

@Kerensky97: It is free, it runs on a variety of devices (granted not all, for instance it doesnt run off my coffee maker) , its not designed to run off a PC (be too bulky to carry around possibly), it does identify tracks uploaded and it does identify music on youtube videos (just tried both with the HTC Hero)

@orbitbreak: Billions of people dont maintain a constant weight by burning less calories than they eat. If you eat more calories than you burn then you will start putting on the pounds simple as.

@Terry: Yep, I never seen a cold sheep.

As for the honey/lemon/ginger infusion, stick the half lemon in the microwave for 10 seconds on high. You get more juice out of it when squeezing. I also add a dash or two of Tabasco to the mix.

We have had our worst snow for 30 years over in the UK. When you are not used to -23 (coldest recorded in UK this year so far) it can feel a tad nippy.